It was wonderful meeting with everyone at Parent Teacher Conferences. This is such an amazing class of students and supportive parents. Thank you for all you do!

Upcoming Dates:
- Yearbook sales are open! Purchases are online only and may be made through this LINK. Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625
- Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
- Tuesday, October 22: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky delivered to the school
- Saturday, October 26: Quest Academy’s Fun Run: Trick or Treat Trot
- October 28-31: Red Ribbon Week
*Mon: Hat Day
*Tues: Wild Socks Day
*Wed: Pajama Day
*Thurs: Halloween Costumes - Wednesday, October 30: Body Safety and Abuse Prevention Presentation (permission form required)
- Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade (9:00) & Class Party (treat permission)
- Friday, November 1: No School
- Friday, November 8: Ice Cream Party (Keep up the great work practicing letter names and sounds!)