- Friday, November 8: Ice Cream Party! (If anyone is willing to be extra hands for our party, please email me. Thank you!)
- Friday, November 15: $1 Dress Down Day benefitting a Quest Family dealing with cancer. (This one isn’t included if you prepaid for dress down days, so everyone needs to bring $1 if they want to dress down)
- Monday-Friday, November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL

THANK YOU to the many family and friends who came and cheered us on during our Halloween Parade. And a special shout out to all our fabulous parent volunteers! Thank you for sharing your time with us and helping us have fun! And we really appreciate all the contributions for class parties and treasure chest donations!
Pictures have been uploaded to our class photo album and individual student albums. Enjoy 😉
*Quick note: Due to it being a short week and Halloween, several students were unable to reach their Lexia Unit goals (varies with each student) or pass off enough lessons in iReady Math (2-3 lessons/week). It would be beneficial if they’re able to spend a few minutes this weekend working on them. Please email me if you have any questions. Thank you!