Upcoming Events:

- Friday, November 15: Special Fundraiser Dress Down Day benefitting a Quest Family dealing with cancer. (This one isn’t included if you prepaid for dress down days)
- Friday, November 22: $1 Dress Down Day
- Friday, November 22: Yearbook Cover Design contest submission due date
- Monday-Friday, November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
*Elementary Yearbooks on sale now click HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625)
*Scholastic Book Order: Books make great gifts! Order by Monday, December 2 for delivery before winter break. Feel free to share this link and our class code with grandparents, family and friends. Click here for easy online ordering: Scholastic Reading Club (our class code is Y8WGR). Online ordering is fast and easy and allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer. You can also try Scholastic’s “Book Finder” for ideas on books for your child.
Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Visualize” and “Characters” . We read a fantasy and a fable to go along with our theme “What rules do we follow in different places?”
New High Frequency Word: “to”
Phonics: blending words with the letters: Mm, Aa, Ss, Pp, Tt, Ii. New sound/spelling: Ii
Vocabulary: rules, cooperate, guard, responsible, prank
Math: Lesson 10 “Add and Subtract within 5”
Science: This week, your child learned that before we had machines, we had to do lots of work by hand. We talked about how machines are not magical; rather they just seem that way because there are often moving parts hidden inside.
You can encourage your child’s curiosity by asking them to go on a “machine walk” around the house: invite your child to identify machines around your home. Anything which has a motor inside of it is a good candidate (examples include things like a washing machine or dryer, a dishwasher, a hair dryer, an electric toothbrush, a car). You can raise questions like “Interesting! What kind of work by hand would we have to do, if we didn’t have this machine?” and “Hmm… how do you think the parts of this machine work?”