We had such a fun ice cream party on Friday! I’m so proud of our class for how far they’ve come in learning their letter names and sounds! They’ve worked hard at school and I can’t thank you enough for the hard work you’ve put in at home to help them!
Beginning of the Year Class Statistics:
Uppercase: 61%
Lowercase: 50%
Current Class Statistics:
Uppercase: 96%
Lowercase: 96%
Sounds: 96%
95% of the class passed all three with 100% accuracy! That’s an amazing feat in 2 months! Also, there were a few students who were working on fluency of the letter names and sounds and all of them reached their goal as well!

Moving forward, the focus for the whole class will now be fluency of the letters. The middle of year goal is a whopping 55 letters named in 1 minute (fascinatingly, it drops to 51/min. by the end of the year). The assessment looks a lot like this worksheet and we will include a page like this each week in their “Practice at Home” packet. Even though the formal assessment is letter names only, please continue to practice the sounds with them! Short increments of practice, with daily consistency, will help keep the progress they made. Thank you again for your amazing support at home!