- Friday, November 22: $1 Dress Down Day
- Friday, November 22: Thanksgiving Pizza Feast (Pizza Permission Form)
- Friday, November 22: Yearbook Cover Design contest submission due date
- Monday-Friday, November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
- Friday, December 20: Class Winter Party
- December 23-January 5: Winter Break- No School
*Elementary Yearbooks on sale now click HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625)
*Scholastic Book Order: Books make great gifts! Order by Monday, December 2 for delivery before winter break. Feel free to share this link and our class code with grandparents, family and friends. Click here for easy online ordering: Scholastic Reading Club (our class code is Y8WGR). Online ordering is fast and easy and allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer. You can also try Scholastic’s “Book Finder” for ideas on books for your child.
Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy: “Visualize” . We read a fictional story, a fable and an informational text to go along with our theme “What are the different sounds we hear?”
New High Frequency Word: “and”
Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: Nn
Vocabulary: listen, volume, exclaimed, chat, familiar
Math: Lesson 16 “Count, Read, and Write Numbers 11-20”
Science: In our Read-Along lesson about forces this week, a little girl watched a house being built and wondered why the builders need so many big machines. Students acted out the “work words” of their favorite machine.