This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Thank you for attending Parent Teacher Conferences! Your support is amazing and I’m so impressed with all you do to help your children be successful in school!

Looking Ahead:

  • Friday, February 7: Kindergarten celebrates 100 Days of School
  • Friday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party
  • Monday, February 17: No School- President’s Day

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Visualize”/”Events: Sequence”. We read different stories to go along with our theme “How are the seasons different?”

2 New High Frequency Words: “is” and “llittle

New sound/spellings/handwriting: /b/ Bb and /l/ Ll

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: weather, seasons, migrate, active, spot (as in: notice or find something)

Math: Lesson 8: “2D Shapes”. We’ve also been working on one of our standards to fluently add and subtract within 5 (numbers in the problem and answers are 5 or less). You can help us achieve this goal by practicing these math facts with us. Click here for flashcards you can print at home: Adding/Subtracting Flashcards. To be considered fluent, students need to answer 25 problems within a minute. (Flashcards include adding and subtracting within 10, which is also a standard, but we first practice for fluency within 5).

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