This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking Ahead:

  • Friday, February 28: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • Friday, March 7: Daddy/Daughter Dance 6:00-8:00pm
  • Friday, March 14: Mother/Son Dance 6:00-8:00pm
  • Friday, March 14: End Term 3
  • Friday, March 21: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • Friday, March 28: Spring Picture Day and FREE Dress Down Day
  • March 31-April 4: Spring Break NO SCHOOL

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Reread”/”Fact & Opinion” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “How are some animals alike and how are they different?”

2 New High Frequency Words (Power Words): “for” and “have

New sound, spelling and handwriting: /u/ Uu

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: appearance, behavior, exercise, plenty, wander

Math: Lesson 18: “Compose and Decompose 6 and 7”. We’ve also been working on one of our standards to fluently add and subtract within 5 (numbers in the problem and answers are 5 or less). You can help us achieve this goal by practicing these math facts with us. Click here for flashcards you can print at home: Adding/Subtracting Flashcards. To be considered fluent, students need to answer 25 problems within a minute. (Flashcards include adding and subtracting within 10, which is also a standard, but we first practice for fluency within 5).

Science: We practiced identifying the relationships of the needs of animals and the places in which they live. After a review of the animals we’ve observed throughout the unit, students used observations of three new places to determine which of those places best meet the needs of each animal.

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