This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking Ahead:

  • Friday, March 7: Daddy/Daughter Dance 6:00-8:00pm
  • Friday, March 14: Mother/Son Dance 6:00-8:00pm
  • Friday, March 14: End Term 3
  • Friday, March 21: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • Friday, March 28: Spring Picture Day and FREE Dress Down Day
  • March 31-April 4: Spring Break NO SCHOOL

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Make, confirm, and revise predictions”/”Problem and Solution” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “How do you take care of different kinds of pets?”

2 New High Frequency Words (Power Words): “of” and “they” (know how to spell both)

New sound, spelling and handwriting: /g/ Gg and /w/ Ww

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each week. Thank you!

Vocabulary: responsibility, train, compared, depend, social

Math: Lesson 19 “Compose and Decompose 8 and 9”

Science: We introduced an anchor phenomenon for our new unit about the needs of plants. We saw a collection of examples of plants that have grown onto other objects without anyone having put the plants there. We wondered how this could happen. Students generated observations and questions about the phenomenon and we created a list of possible explanations for the phenomenon.

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