3rd term grades are available in Aspire. You can view the overall subject grade under “Unofficial Report Card”. For detailed scores by individual standards go to “Complete Progress Report”. For Citizenship go to “Citizenship Log”. (Make sure you have selected Term 3). Congratulate your child on their hard work!
(For more detailed instructions on using Aspire follow this link)
You will find your child’s latest progress monitoring scores leading up to end-of-year testing in their take home folder today (along with some tests they took this quarter). After looking through them, please let me know if you have any questions. They’ve shown amazing growth and we want to continue working hard to push through these last few weeks and show all the progress we’ve made! Thanks for all you do at home to continue helping your child! It always amazes me how scores continue to grow with consistent practice (and how they drop when our practice starts to relax).