Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, March 15. Thus, uniforms are not required on this day. Please note that students should still follow dress down day guidelines by wearing appropriate attire.
Pre-order on mylifetouch.com and using Picture day ID: T72H4JTVE
The time has come for us to select a yearbook cover for our 2023-24 elementary yearbook. We will be holding a Yearbook Cover Contest to select two students whose artwork will be featured on the front and back cover of the yearbook. This year, students can choose to do artwork that is created digitally or hand-drawn. Each entry must be brought in on a white 8 ½ X 11” paper, and include the school name along with the student’s first and last name in one corner. We will be looking for entries that represent this years theme which is “BE GREAT!”
Entries are due by Friday, January 5, at 8:30 am.
List of digital art programs suitable for children: Adobe Fresco, Gimp, Krita, Artweaver Free, ArtRange, Sketchpad, Astropad Studio, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Vectr, FireAlpaca, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint, Procreate, Tux Paint, Drawing for Children.
We are sending home a “Snow Day” packet on Friday. Please hold onto and wait to do these lessons and activities until/if we ever have a snow day this Winter. (An exception to this is The “Letters and Numbers for Me” orange book. It is part of the packet, but your child is welcome to work on this anytime and doesn’t need to wait). Thank you!
We are excited for our upcoming Annual Reindeer Run and Breakfast with the Grinch. We hope to see all of you on Saturday, December 2. Sign up now to get early bird pricing. Click here to register: Quest 5K and Fun Run Registration
Students were so excited to check out their first library book! They are allowed to keep them for one week. Please reiterate the importance of taking good care of them and being responsible by returning them each Friday. Students are so sad when they can’t check out a new book because they forgot to return their current one. Please talk about safe ways to store their library book in their backpack (they can easily be damaged due to leaky water bottles).
We’re so lucky to have the privilege of accessible books and I hope you create happy memories reading them together! 🙂