Treehouse Museum Field Trip

We are looking forward to our upcoming Treehouse Museum field trip on Friday, March 31, 8:30-12noon. Please note the later time for dismissal.

$5.00 donations are welcome to help with our field trip expenses, including the cost of bus transportation. Donations may be paid in the Q1 office. Any extra funds will be used for our Kindergarten field day in May. 

Please click on the following link to complete a permission form for your child: Field Trip Permission Form

*Change to Dress Down Days

Dollar Dress Down will be THURSDAY, Dec. 15 (instead of Friday). Staff will be wearing ugly Christmas sweaters, so all students who have prepaid or bring a dollar are welcome to join in! (Or wear dress down clothing of their choice).

Free Dress Down day will be FRIDAY. Students are welcome to wear comfy pajamas that day (or regular dress down).

Snow Day At Home Work

Students: I will miss you all today, but I hope you have a chance to play in the beautiful snow and create some fun memories!

Parents: Please take some time to read the following story with your child and ask them questions about it. Have them spend 10 minutes each (or more) on Lexia Reading, iReady Math, and their Nearpod Lesson. Login information is in their take home folder (“When absent…” paper). I will email you their current Nearpod code and their Lexia “Weekly Units” goal, but don’t hesitate to email me with any questions. I’ve also included one of the decodable we were going to continue practice reading today and a math workbook page. Thank You!

Story to read to your student:

Lexia Tips: The following pictures show what it looks like when they’ve passed off a unit (the arrow is pointing to a section of a circle–each section represents a “unit”). When they’re in a lesson/unit, there’s a progress bar at the bottom to show how close they are to finishing that lesson/unit. (If they exit before completing the unit, they have to start that unit completely over again). On average, students can complete a unit in about 5 minutes.

Decodable student’s can read to you: