Valentine Friend-Grams For Sale

Valentine Friend-GramsThis is an opportunity for students to surprise someone in the school with a fun token of friendship. Students may purchase cute Valentine cards that will be attached to a small treat and delivered to the classes on Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 14) Please see below for additional details:

  • $.25 each
  • February 10-12 (Monday-Wednesday)
  • 8:00-8:25 am and 3:10-3:45 pm 
  • Q1 Lobby

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking Ahead:

  • Friday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party
  • Monday, February 17: No School- President’s Day
  • Friday, February 28: Dollar Dress Down Day

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Visualize”/”Events:Sequence”. We read different stories to go along with our theme “What happens in different kinds of weather?”

2 New High Frequency Words: “she” and “was

New sound/spelling and handwriting: /k/ Kk and _ck (spelling for /k/ at the end of words)

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: predict, temperature, clever, storm, drought

Math: Lesson 15 “Find number partners for 10”. We’ve also been working on one of our standards to fluently add and subtract within 5 (numbers in the problem and answers are 5 or less). You can help us achieve this goal by practicing these math facts with us. Click here for flashcards you can print at home: Adding/Subtracting Flashcards. To be considered fluent, students need to answer 25 problems within a minute. (Flashcards include adding and subtracting within 10, which is also a standard, but we first practice for fluency within 5).

Science: In our Read-Along lesson, a young girl notices all the holes in the trees around her house and sets out to discover how they got there, and why they matter. We explored how animals change their environments.

Hip Hip Hooray! It’s Almost the 100th Day of School!

100 days of school

We will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on Friday, February 7.  We will be counting out 100 Froot Loops and making a necklace. Also, each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school if they would like (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like!  Just a couple guidelines:  

* Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves 

*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring 🙂

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Thank you for attending Parent Teacher Conferences! Your support is amazing and I’m so impressed with all you do to help your children be successful in school!

Looking Ahead:

  • Friday, February 7: Kindergarten celebrates 100 Days of School
  • Friday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party
  • Monday, February 17: No School- President’s Day

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Visualize”/”Events: Sequence”. We read different stories to go along with our theme “How are the seasons different?”

2 New High Frequency Words: “is” and “llittle

New sound/spellings/handwriting: /b/ Bb and /l/ Ll

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: weather, seasons, migrate, active, spot (as in: notice or find something)

Math: Lesson 8: “2D Shapes”. We’ve also been working on one of our standards to fluently add and subtract within 5 (numbers in the problem and answers are 5 or less). You can help us achieve this goal by practicing these math facts with us. Click here for flashcards you can print at home: Adding/Subtracting Flashcards. To be considered fluent, students need to answer 25 problems within a minute. (Flashcards include adding and subtracting within 10, which is also a standard, but we first practice for fluency within 5).

Valentine Party and 100th Day Permission

We will be celebrating 100 days in our Kindergarten Class on Friday, February 7 and our Valentine’s Party will be Friday, February 14th. Treats will be involved with both.

For your student to participate please complete this online Valentines/100 Days form.

Valentine’s Helpful Hints:

  1. We have 18 students in our class (if students choose to bring Valentine’s to share, please make sure they bring one for everybody in the class).
  2. Only write who the Valentine is FROM. Do NOT address Valentine’s to each student (this will help the students distribute their Valentine’s faster).
  3. We will be making Valentine’s bags (and providing the supplies to do so) in class for the students to collect their Valentine’s. No need to make a Valentine’s box this year.
  4. Students are able to bring a store-bought wrapped treat/candy for their peers on Valentine’s Day. These treats will be sent home to be consumed under parent supervision. Non-food Valentine items are wonderful as well!

What We Are Learning: Language Arts

We are now beginning Unit 6 in Language Arts. Here are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. Note: We are learning two letters and two power words each week (instead of one letter and one word each week). Your support and encouragement at home will be beneficial as we increase the learning rate.

Wonders Unit 6

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

*Reminder: Please bring a water bottle each day. Even though it’s cold, we still get thirsty after recess. Thanks!

Looking Ahead:

  • January 27-30: Quest Book Fair
  • January 29-30Parent Teacher Conferences
  • January 31NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, February 7: Kindergarten celebrates 100 Days of School
  • Friday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party
  • Monday, February 17: No School- President’s Day

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

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Comprehension strategy/skill: “Reread”/”Topic and Details” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “What kinds of things grow on a farm?”

2 New High Frequency Words: “he” and “with”

New sound/spellings/handwriting: /f/ Ff and /r/ Rr

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading the decodable stories that are sent home (additional stories are in the Wonders Workbook coming home today). Thank you!


Vocabulary: fresh, delicious, beneath, raise, special

Math: Continued Lesson 14 “Compose and Decompose 10” and started Lesson 8 “2D Shapes”. We’ve also been working on one of our standards to fluently add and subtract within 5 (numbers in the problem and answers are 5 or less). You can help us achieve this goal by practicing these math facts with us. Click here for flashcards you can print at home: Adding/Subtracting Flashcards. To be considered fluent, students need to answer 25 problems within a minute. (Flashcards include adding and subtracting within 10, which is also a standard, but we first practice for fluency within 5).

Science: we will be exploring animal shelters and how animals seek safety in order to survive.

Looking Ahead: Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Helpful Hints:

  1. We have 18 students in our class (if students choose to bring Valentine’s to share, please make sure they bring one for everybody in the class).
  2. Only write who the Valentine is FROM. Do NOT address Valentine’s to each student (this will help the students distribute their Valentine’s faster).
  3. Each student will be decorating a bag in class to collect their Valentine’s in.
  4. Students are able to bring a store-bought wrapped treat/candy for their peers on Valentine’s Day. These treats will be sent home to be consumed under parent supervision. Non-food Valentine items are wonderful as well! A permission form will be posted in the next couple weeks.

Term 2 Grades

2nd term grades are available in Aspire. You can view the overall subject grade under “Unofficial Report Card”. For detailed scores by individual standards go to “Complete Progress Report”.  For Citizenship go to “Citizenship Log”.  (Make sure you have selected Term 2). Congratulate your child on their hard work!

(For more detailed instructions on using Aspire follow this link)