Happy Birthday Adalyn!

Students in our class are welcome to wear comfy pajamas to class on Wednesday, December 15! (Keep in mind it will be a cold day and we will most likely go out for recess. PJ’s are completely optional; students can wear their school uniform instead).
Also, Friday is a free dress down day (ugly sweater if desired) for everyone. Our class winter party will go from 9:30-10:30 that day and parents are always welcome to come! If you haven’t already, please fill out the treat permission form here: Winter Party Permission
Thank you!
Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:
Comprehension strategy: “Ask and Answer Questions” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “Who are your neighbors?”
New High Frequency Word: “do”
Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: /d/ Dd
Sound Wall: /ar/ as in star, /k/ and /s/ as in box.
Vocabulary: cultures, appreciate, prefer, tradition, proud
Math: Lesson 17 “Add Within 5”
Science: This week, we investigated how to bring light and warmth to a cold mountain town that doesn’t see the sun throughout winter. (This lesson is actually based on the story of a real town in Norway!) Using the Engineering Design Process, students experimented with different materials and discovered that sunlight can be redirected using reflective materials. You can encourage them to notice the heating effects of the sun all around them!
Upcoming Events:
We are continuing to work on the SPEED (fluency) of naming our letters and sounds and we’re also starting to focus on writing letters AND numbers. Please look for recent testing results coming home in your child’s take home folder today along with some fun ideas to practice handwriting at home. (If your child has mastered writing all their letters and numbers, you could encourage them to practice improving handwriting including reversals and spacing).
1-FRIDAY: Early Out 10:30
$1.00 (or more) dress down– donations will benefit Quest Angel Tree. (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).
2-You can do your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/26-0198425 and AmazonSmile donates to Quest Academy at no extra cost to you.
Upcoming Events:
Click here for “Activities for Learning at Home“
I found out today the lunch staff will be offering a variety of fruits and vegetables besides the Pizza on Friday. Please let me know if your child has any food allergies or you prefer them not participating. Thanks!
This letter was sent home in your child’s take home folder. I just wanted to make sure you saw it. Thank you!