Happy Birthday Kinlee!

A note concerning the keychains: Please have your students put their keychains IN their backpacks and then keep them at home. The chains are easily broken and with so many other students with the same monster keychain it is easy to confuse which keychain belongs to which child. To reduce sad kindergarteners, please encourage your child to put their monsters in their backpacks and then take them out at home. Thank you 😉
Hello, Quest Families!
Many students have been working hard on our fundraiser! Thanks for supporting our students, field trips, activities, and school improvements!
Monster key chains will be handed out before school in Q1 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. Remember, for every three items sold for the fundraiser, elementary students receive a keychain. However, orders must be entered in the app so we have record of the sells. Thanks!
Quest Administration
We are selling Cookie Dough & Beef Jerky to help fund student activities (ie field trips) and school improvements.
Here are some things to know:
Watch this short, instructional video to get started on the Scoreboard app (there are also instructions in the student packet). The code you’ll need to enter in the app for Quest is QUE699.
Thank you for your support!
*Friday: Early Out @ 10:30
*No school: Monday, Sept. 6
Wednesday, August 25: First day of Kindergarten 8:25-11:15 (bring your child directly to our classroom starting at 8:15)
Thursday, August 26: Early out 8:25-10:30
Friday, August 27: No School
Monday-Thursday: Parents may bring their child back inside to the Q1 lunchroom at pick-up time (11:15) and get in line to get a to-go lunch of their choosing.
Early Out Days: Lunch will NOT be offered due to their school day ending prior to lunch service beginning.
Document any allergies in Aspire. If you have any questions, please contact Madeline Chestnut: mchestnut@questac.org