Wednesday, 4/22/2020 Lessons

WaldoWhere’s Waldo Wednesday and Earth Day!earth

Welcome and well wishes to our wonderful class!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.

*Note: If you get all your weekly work completed and all your weekly iReady minutes, you will be invited to something fun with Mrs. Teichert this Friday.

Small Group meetings today:
–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40
–Ladybugs, Butterflies, and Praying Mantises: finish reading “Helping Me, Helping You” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.

Today’s Assignments:

  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link. Daily attendance will be taken during this meeting.
2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn page 290 and Close Reading Companion pages 173, 174, 175
  • Writing Journal 
  • Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)
  • Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.39.15 PMScreen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.40.31 PM


Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers)

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Decodable (Part 2): A Walk with Mayor Moose

Need a break
 between readings? Take Care of the Earth GoNoodle or Water Cycle GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s)

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video.  We are working on Lesson 30, Session 4 today.

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 711-714 
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to Complete 10 minutes or more.  Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. 12:00 Coding/Keyboarding Lesson with Mrs. Fischer (join from her Google Classroom)

 12:45 Optional final check-in on Zoom.  You only need to join if you have questions or want to say hello.

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):

Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.  If I’m working with a small group, I’ll check my email as soon as possible.   Happy learning!

*Can you find Waldo?
waldo beach

Thursday, 4/16/2020 Learning

thoughtful thursdayGood morning and welcome back!   
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)

*Note: If you get all your weekly work completed and all your weekly iReady minutes, you will be invited to a show-and-tell with Ms. Smith this Friday.

Small Group meetings today:

-Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use Google Meet to meet with Mr. Nathan at 10:00 (use Google Classroom to get the meeting code for Google Meet if you forgot it).
–Ladybugs (Dexter, Noah, Kenzi L), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Butterflies (Landon, Jaxson, Wynter, Ryleigh, Leilani, Jacob), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Praying Mantises (Treyson, Stevie, Ryker, Easton, Liam), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40

Today’s Assignments:
  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link.

 2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn pages 279-280 and Close Reading Companion pages 169-170.
  • Writing Journal:  Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation. 
Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to and log in with your QR code found on the outside of your packet.  Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers).
How to get to Clever/iReady Video

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 3
Decodable (Part 2): Choose a Room
Decodable (Part 3): Group Rules
Need a break between readings? Dance & sing along with this GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s) 

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 679-682.
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to Complete 10 minutes or more.  Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. Science Lesson: Sun, Moon & Stars Unit–Could a statue’s shadow move?

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Optional:  Print out Gnome Statues and Shadow Patterns to do the activity yourself at home (recommended)  Otherwise, you can watch the video to see how it works.  Check out the extension activity for more fun!

 12:45 Final check in using Zoom 

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning!

Wednesday, 4/15/2020 Lessons

WaldoWhere’s Waldo Wednesday

Welcome and well wishes to our wonderful class!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)
*Note: If you get all your weekly work completed and all your weekly iReady minutes, you will be invited to a show-and-tell with Ms. Smith this Friday.

Small Group meetings today:

–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40
–Ladybugs and Butterflies: read “What a Feast” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.
Praying Mantises: read “Beware of the Lion” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.

Today’s Assignments:

  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link. Daily attendance will be taken during this meeting.
2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn page 278 and Close Reading Companion pages 166-168
  • Writing Journal . Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation.
  • Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)
  • Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.39.15 PMScreen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.40.31 PM


Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers)

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 3
Decodable (Part 2): Lewis and His New Suit
Decodable (Part 3): Sue and Lucy
Need a break between readings? Dance and sing along with this GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s)

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 673-678 
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to Complete 10 minutes or more.  Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. 12:00 Coding/Keyboarding Lesson with Mrs. Fischer (join from her Google Classroom)

10. 12:45 Final check in using Zoom (link found in our Google Classroom).

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):

Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning!

*Can you find Waldo?

We are required to take attendance during our morning meetings at 8:30.  If your child isn’t able to attend the morning meeting and do their online work, we will mark them absent.  If they miss the morning meeting, but are able to watch the recordings and complete the required work at a later time, please email us to let us know and we will go in and fix the attendance. Thank you!

Friday, 4/10/2020 Lessons

Favorite-Things-Friday-CircleGood morning and welcome to Favorite Things Friday!  What is your favorite Easter Candy?

Remember to complete each learning activity listed.

Small Group meetings today:

–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40

  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link.

 2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn pages 269-270 and Close Reading Companion pages 165 from the Wonders Lesson Video
  • Writing Journal: Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation.
  • Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)
  • Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.39.15 PMScreen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.40.31 PM


Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers).
How to get to Clever/iReady Video

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Link to the decodable for Part 2: Up or Down Sounds
(Remember to reread the decodable at least 3 x’s) 

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 659-660 assigned in the Math Lesson Video above.
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to  Complete 10 minutes or more. Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. 12:45 Final check in using Zoom.

***Fun Friday Activity: Students who have completed all their weekly work and iReady minutes can stay on for a Class Scavenger Hunt!

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning!

Thursday, 4/9/2020 Lessons

thoughtful thursday

Good morning and welcome back!   
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)

Small Group meetings today:
-Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use Google Meet to meet with Mr. Ryker at 10:00 (use Google Classroom to get the meeting code for Google Meet if you forgot it).
–Ladybugs (Dexter, Noah, Kenzi L), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Butterflies (Landon, Jaxson, Wynter, Ryleigh, Leilani, Jacob), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Praying Mantises (Treyson, Stevie, Ryker, Easton, Liam), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40

If anybody is having problems being heard by the teacher in Zoom after they have been unmuted, watch this video for a possible troubleshoot: Can’t Be Heard in Zoom?

  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link.

 2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn pages 267-268 and Close Reading Companion pages 163-164.
  • Writing Journal . Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation. 
Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to and log in with your QR code found on the outside of your packet.  Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers).
How to get to Clever/iReady Video

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Link to the decodable for Part 2: Beavers Make Noise
(Remember to reread the decodable at least 3 x’s) 
Need a break between readings? Dance & sing along with this GoNoodle

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 655-658 assigned in the Math Lesson Video above.
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to Complete 10 minutes or more.  Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. Science Lesson: Lights, Sounds, & Communication–How do boats find their way in the fog? 
Read on your own option
Teacher reading option
Optional:  Print out and complete this Sound Worksheet

 12:45 Final check in using Zoom (Be prepared to share something you learned today.  I’ll pull a few popsicle sticks for the lucky winners that will share.  We will also celebrate anybody who has passed off a Fry Phrase book, earned 10 stars, or leveled up in RAZ kids!)

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning!

Wednesday, 4/8/2020 Lessons


Where’s Waldo Wednesday

Welcome and well wishes to our wonderful class!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)

Small Group meetings today:
–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40
–Ladybugs, Butterflies, and Praying Mantises: Finish reading “What is a Yurt?” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.

  8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting.  Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link.
2.  Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
  • Complete Your Turn pages 266 and Close Reading Companion pages 161-162 from the Wonders Lesson Video
  • Writing Journal . Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation.
  • Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)
  • Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.39.15 PM Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12.40.31 PM


Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers)

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Link to the decodable for Part 2: Joy’s Birdhouse
(Remember to reread the decodable at least 3 x’s)

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 649-654 assigned in the Math Lesson Video above.
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).
7.  iReady MATH: Go to Complete 10 minutes or more.  Please complete the Teacher Assigned lessons first.  These will be the blue boxes on the left-hand side. 
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.11.57 PM

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. 12:00 Coding/Keyboarding Lesson with Mrs. Fischer (join from her Google Classroom)

10. 12:45 Final check in using Zoom (link found in our Google Classroom).

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning!

Important Information

take noteDear Parents,
Here are a few things that will change after Spring Break:
  • We will be required to take attendance during our morning meetings at 8:30.  If your child isn’t able to attend the morning meeting and do their online work, we will mark them absent.  If they miss the morning meeting, but are able to watch the recordings and complete the required work at a later time, please email us to let us know and we will go in and fix the attendance. 
  • Teachers have been advised not to post our class meeting links and/or codes on our blog. Rather, we will post the links for students to access our class meetings in our Google Classroom. Your student should already have access, but if not, use Class Code: lc24xto (You only have to do this once. After that, when you click on “classroom”, you will see our class name: 1st Grade Smith/Teichert). Watch this tutorial for help: How to access Google classroom
  • We will start using Zoom instead of Google Meets for our daily video conferences.  On Monday, 4/6, log into Google Meet, just like normal.  Ms. Smith will then help the students transition to Zoom.  Zoom requires a download. You are welcome to go ahead and download Zoom to your students’ computer/tablet this weekend. 
  • We will begin working with students in small groupsmall groups for Language Arts Instruction and to check their math proficiency. We will post the time on our blog that each group needs to login to Zoom.  Meetings will last about 15-20 minutes.  Thanks for all your help making sure your child is on at their correct time!

    Language Arts Groups:
    Dragonflies: Brighton, Gabe
    Grasshoppers: Gabe, Kenzie M. Brenlie, Bria, Miles
    Bees: Emma, Marayah, Violet
    Ladybugs: Dexter, Noah, Kenzi L.
    Butterflies: Landon, Jaxson, Wynter, Ryleigh, Leilani, Jacob
    Praying Mantises: Treyson, Stevie, Ryker, Easton, Liam