
ELEMENTARY homework optional? What?
Hey, Quest Families! You may have noticed the word “optional” appearing on many elementary teacher blogs regarding homework. Please take a moment to read the infographics below. Note the benefits associated with kids reading something they enjoy for just 20 minutes each day. We will always promote parents and students reading at home!!! Next, read Alfie Kohn’s findings and summary of homework in elementary. In addition to Kohn’s insights, John Hattie, a renowned author, educator, and researcher, found that homework for elementary age students has an effect of zero. These findings are supported by decades of literacy research.
NOTE: Despite this research, there are parents who are passionate about their children doing homework or review activities after school. We have asked teachers to provide “optional” resources for those families. Those resources will appear on individual teacher blogs.
With the above information in mind, please know that our Quest educators plan on doing everything possible to help your students make the growth they need while at school. Our programs and curriculum are researched-based and effective. Countless hours have been spent working with nationally renowned educators and the State office to ensure the programs implemented by teachers at Quest will provide personalized, meaningful learning. We love your kids and we’ve got their backs! Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment!

Quest Administration

**(We will continue to send the “Dear Parent” letter as an optional, fun math activity you can do with your child at home.  If you and your child decide to participate, we will still hold drawings on the last day of the week if it’s returned with a parent signature)**

Read 20 minutes
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Science Sneak Peek

This last week we began our unit about animals and how their different parts help them to survive. Our first lesson was called, “Why do birds have beaks?” We did an activity to learn how the shape of a bird’s beak tells you something about what that particular bird eats.

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(Apologies for not having pictures of all the students!  We were having technical difficulties! Sigh…)

You can continue to support your child’s curiosity at home! Any time you see a bird, whether on a walk or looking out the window, encourage your child to look and ask them what they think that bird might eat and why.


IMG_0195Math homework will continue to be found in your child’s blue take-home-folder on the first day of the school week and is due on the last day of the school week (usually Fridays). Students: please write your name on it and have a parent sign it, indicating you’ve worked on the math activity together.

For (optional) extra math practice, Math Games and Activities will always be available on our blog when you click on the “Homework” tab 

Please continue reading 20 minutes per night (Monday through Thursday) with your child. You do not need to keep track of your minutes, nor report reading homework. 

Homework will continue to look the same each week, unless we inform you of any changes.  Thank you!

Quest’s Annual Fundraiser Aug. 28-Sept. 13

Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 7.58.40 PMWhy an annual fundraiser?
Our annual fundraiser helps fund field trips, after school clubs, other fun activities and best of all, this will help build a school for students in another part of the world!

Our class will be bringing home order forms for the “Schools Building Schools Fundraiser” today (sorry they’re later than other classes…our class somehow got overlooked).  Our goal is to sell an average of $100 worth of items per student (10 notebooks, 7 sketchbooks, or 5 wall art prints). If we are able to reach this goal then we will be able to have a dance party with Dr. Dave!  You are welcome to take order forms to work or around the neighborhood and the notebooks and journals make great Christmas or birthday presents.  Feel free to email with any questions.  Thank you for your support with this!

Students can earn a prize for each item sold and can pick those up before school on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays during the fundraiser.

For more information, please watch these 2 short videos:

Fundraiser Info.
How many items do I sell?

Product webpage

Weekly Reminders

sunflower1- Check your child’s blue folder nightly.
2- Thursday, Aug. 29: Picture Day.  Wear Quest Uniform (no spirit shirts) 
You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2019
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)
See flyer for additional payment options.
2- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:00pm
   Homework due
$1.00 Dress Down Day 
(Student participation is optional. If they choose not to dress down, they are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).