Homework Starts This Week

We had a great first week and love our amazing class!  Besides homework, we are also looking forward to starting STEM this week with Ms. Cookie and Ms. Carrie, library with Mrs. Anderson and going to the keyboarding/CODE lab with Mrs. Fischer.

Please look for your child’s math homework in their blue take-home-folder on Monday, help them work steadily on it throughout the week, and is due on Friday (please remember to sign it). 

For (optional) extra math practice, Math Games and Activities will always be available on our blog when you click on the “Homework” tab 

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lease start reading 20 minutes per night (Monday through Thursday) with your child. You do not need to keep track of your minutes, nor report reading homework. 

Document Review

Happy PencilHere is a list of the online documents we have posted for your review and signature. Please click on the links below.  If you have already submitted the forms no further action is necessary at this time.

1- Class Disclosure AND Read and Review Form

2- Getting to Know Your Child

3- Subscribe to our blog (to complete the process you must click on a link that will be sent to your email): Blog Subscription

***For information about School Supplies click here: 
School Supplies 2019-2020

Parking Lot Procedures

Some of the most frequent questions we get about the parking lot: 

  • “Where do I pick up and drop off my student?”  
  • “I’m hearing people talk about stacking lanes. What are they talking about?” 
  • “Can I park in a stall and have my student come to me?”
Whether you are new to Quest or a Quest veteran, please take a moment and view this informative AND entertaining video about the parking lot procedures at Quest. Please share with anyone who will be driving your child to and/or from school.

Back to School Night

Pg6b_colorWe are so excited to meet you at
Back to School Night!
Friday, August 16

For information about School Supplies click here:
School Supplies 2019-2020

For our Classroom Disclosure click here: Class Disclosure
(After reviewing, please acknowledge you have read and understand our class policies: Read and Review Form)

To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire: 
Getting to Know Your Child

To subscribe to our blog click here: Blog Subscription 
(to complete the process you must click on a link that will be sent to your email)

Classroom Disclosure

Ms. Smith and Mrs. Teichert ask that all parents and students review our Classroom Disclosure.  It can be found by clicking on the link below:

Teichert_Smith Class Disclosure – Google Docs

After reviewing, please use the link found within the Class Disclosure (look for the red text) to acknowledge you have read and understand our class policies.  This Class Disclosure can also be found on our blog under the “Parent Information” heading.