What We Are Learning: Language Arts

We are now beginning Unit 3 in Language Arts. Below are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We will continue working on syllables, rhyming, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and blending sounds to read words. We have learned most of our sound wall sounds and use our sound wall to help us spell and read words.

Wonders Unit 3

Halloween Parade

Happy Halloween! We are having our annual Halloween parade on Tuesday, October 31. Because the parade will start at 9:00am, we ask that students come to school already dressed in their costumes.

For those who would like to watch the parade, please plan on bringing camping chairs or blankets. You are welcome to set them up along the outside of either building (see map below—the yellow dots indicate where families can sit).

Costume guidelines:

Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Students are welcome to paint their faces and wear Halloween masks; however, those masks will only be worn when directed to do so by the classroom teacher (e.g. during the parade, when a class picture is taken, etc). Weapons and anything that depicts violence are not allowed on school property (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. Quest Administration

Overview and Reminders

Upcoming Events:

  • Oct 30-Nov 3: Positive Me Week
    • Monday: Pajama Day
    • Tuesday: Halloween Costume
    • Thursday: Hawaiian Theme
    • Friday: Cowboy theme
  • Tuesday, October 31: Halloween Parade (9:00 am) & Party
    • Students come to school already dressed in their costumes
  • Wednesday, November 1: NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, Nov. 3: Ice Cream Party (Keep up the great work practicing letter naming and sounds!)
  • Monday-Friday, November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
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Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Rhyming”. We read a fantasy and informational texts to go along with our theme “What kinds of bugs do you know about?”

Review High Frequency Words: “like”, “see”, “we”, “I”, “can”, “the”, “a”

Phonics (Review): Sound, Spelling and blending words with the letters: Mm, Aa, Ss, Pp, Tt.

Vocabulary: observe, curious, process, slender, attached.

Math: Lesson 12 “Compare Within 10” and students are making headway in their individualized math lessons on Nearpod (“Math Pathways”).

It was wonderful meeting with everyone at Parent Teacher Conferences. This is such an amazing class of students and supportive parents. Thank you for all you do!

Looking Ahead and this Week’s Overview

Upcoming Dates:

  • Tuesday, October 10: Safety and Abuse Prevention Presentation 11:00-11:30
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 11-13: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Thursday, October 19: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky Delivered (Pickup 2:00-5:00)
  • Wednesday, October 25: Say Boo to the Flu immunization clinic 3:00-7:00 (Q1 library)
  • Wednesday-Thursday, October 25-26: Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, October 31: Halloween Parade & Party: Volunteers Needed (please sign up here)
  • Wednesday, November 1: NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, Nov. 3: Ice Cream Party (Keep up the great work practicing letter naming and sounds!)

Practice: Decodables for this week: (printed copies sent home)

Here’s a quick overview of what we learned this week:

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Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Topic and Details”. We read informational texts and a tale to go along with our theme “How do tools help us to explore?”

Review of High Frequency Words: (please continue to practice) “see”, “we”, “I”, “can”, “the”, “a”)

Phonics: Sound and Spelling of Pp. Blending words with the letters: m, p, a, s, t.

Phonemic Awareness: rhyming words, syllables, first, middle and last sounds we hear in words, adding, taking away and replacing words in compound words (or prefixes and suffixes), blending sounds we hear to make a word, and breaking apart words into individual sounds.

Vocabulary: discover, defeated, fetch, tools, rumble.

Math Lesson 5: Compare Numbers to 5 (packets coming home next week)

Special Visitors: We had the chance to learn from the local firefighter department today and get up close to their fire truck! They showed us what it’s like to put on their gear and what to do if there’s a fire. We’re so grateful for Firefighters!

First Library Book

Students were so excited to check out their first library book! They are allowed to keep them for one week. Please reiterate the importance of taking good care of them and being responsible by returning them each Friday. Students are so sad when they can’t check out a new book because they forgot to return their current one. Please talk about safe ways to store their library book in their backpack (they can easily be damaged due to leaky water bottles).

We’re so lucky to have the privilege of accessible books and I hope you create happy memories reading them together! 🙂