Kindergarten Entry Assessment

We will NOT be having regularly scheduled Kindergarten classes the first week of school (Aug 16-21). Instead, we will be giving each individual student an extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. We use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math.

You can sign up for your child’s testing appointment now: Kindergarten Testing Appointment

Weekly Reminders

  • May 22: 1st grade class visit and eat school lunch.
  • May 23: Three Little Pigs Virtual Field Trip. Permission form here.
  • May 24: Field day 8:30-9:30am and FREE DRESS DOWN. Volunteers welcome- sign up here (other volunteer opportunities on form as well). Permission form here.
  • May 25: Early out 10:30am (K-2 talent show)
  • May 26: Early out 10:30am (Yearbook signing, last day of school). FREE DRESS DOWN

4 FREE Books!

Hello, Quest Families!

The State has an amazing program called Kids Read Now! This program allows our students, Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, to select FOUR FREE BOOKS to read during the summer (they’ll be shipped to your house). The intent is to encourage reading during the summer months and to help students maintain their reading skills. If you would like to opt out of this program and not receive four free books, please email Susan Goldsberry ( and let her know you’re opting out. Orders will only be fulfilled once we have indicated who is participating and who has opted out, so we need everyone to either select books or reach out to Susan. Please click here for an instructional video on selecting and receiving these books. Please select your books by Friday, May 19th. Thanks for all you do. Happy summer and happy READING!

Quest Administration

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead:

  • May 8: Last library day- all library books due
  • May 10-12: No Kindergarten classes- testing appointment sign ups.
  • May 19: Ms. Lisa’s Kindergarten Completion Celebration 10:15-10:30. Parents are invited to our classroom for a short presentation and picture opportunities in the front of Q1 afterwards. (We will also be taking each student’s picture earlier in the day and we will put them in the google drive folder we shared with you).
  • May 22: Our class will have the opportunity to eat lunch in the lunchroom to prepare for 1st grade! We will be introduced to the lunchroom procedures, practice going through the lunch line, eat at the tables, and clean up. Please indicate lunch choice here.
  • May 24Field day 8:30-9:30am Volunteers welcome- sign up here (other volunteer opportunities on form as well).
  • May 25: Early out 10:30am (K-2 talent show)
  • May 26: Early out 10:30am (Yearbook signing, last day of school)

Please continue to have your child read to you and work on their Letter Naming and/or Reading Challenges in preparation for testing next week!

Science: This week our class observed an interesting experiment that uses the heat of the sun. We discovered that a car in the sun gets hot enough to melt marshmallows and chocolate to make a sticky treat called a s’more!