Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead:

  • May 8: Last library day- all library books due
  • May 10-12: No Kindergarten classes- testing appointment sign ups.
  • May 19: Ms. Lisa’s Kindergarten Completion Celebration 10:15-10:30. Parents are invited to our classroom for a short presentation and picture opportunities in the front of Q1 afterwards. (We will also be taking each student’s picture earlier in the day and we will put them in the google drive folder we shared with you).
  • May 22: Our class will have the opportunity to eat lunch in the lunchroom to prepare for 1st grade! We will be introduced to the lunchroom procedures, practice going through the lunch line, eat at the tables, and clean up. Please indicate lunch choice here.
  • May 24Field day 8:30-9:30am Volunteers welcome- sign up here (other volunteer opportunities on form as well).
  • May 25: Early out 10:30am (K-2 talent show)
  • May 26: Early out 10:30am (Yearbook signing, last day of school)

Please continue to have your child read to you and work on their Letter Naming and/or Reading Challenges in preparation for testing next week!

Science: This week our class observed an interesting experiment that uses the heat of the sun. We discovered that a car in the sun gets hot enough to melt marshmallows and chocolate to make a sticky treat called a s’more!

Treehouse Museum Field Trip


Friday is the big day for our Treehouse Museum field trip.  

$5.00 donations are welcome to help with our field trip expenses, including museum admission and the cost of bus transportation. Donations may be paid in the Q1 office or online (select “Other” and enter Ms. Lisa field trip). Any extra funds will be used for our Kindergarten field day in May.

Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1- Students wear their uniforms . 
2- Arrive on time.  Buses will depart at 8:45am.
3- Please have a good filling breakfast!
4- Leave student backpacks and water bottles at home.
5- Pick up your child at Quest at 12noon (we are scheduled to arrive back to the school at 12noon) For those picking up their students at Quest: Do not park along the sidewalk by the front of the elementary. Please leave room for two buses to pull up and safely unload the students when we arrive.

Parent Chaperones: If you are driving, we expect to arrive to the museum at 9:15am and depart the museum at 11:30am. If you choose, you may take your child home with you from the museum (you may also choose to remain at the museum with your child and continue exploring/playing). Please see Ms. Lisa before you leave to sign the checkout form.

Treehouse Museum address: 347 22nd St, Ogden, UT 84401