Treehouse Museum Field Trip


Thursday is the big day for our Treehouse Museum field trip.  Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1- Students wear their uniforms ((it helps us identify our students at the Treehouse).
2- Arrive on time.  Buses will depart at 8:45am.
3- Please have a good filling breakfast!
4- Leave student backpacks and water bottles at home.
5- We will arrive back to the school at 12 noon for pickup.

Parent Chaperones: If you are driving, we expect to arrive at the museum at 9:15am and depart the museum at 11:30am. If you choose, you may take your child home with you from the museum. Please see Ms. Lisa before you leave to sign a paper that you have your child.

Treehouse Museum address: 347 22nd St, Ogden, UT 84401

Kindergarten Report Cards and Last Day to Bring Backpacks

Final Kindergarten Report Cards and iReady Diagnostic scores are coming home Wednesday. (Final grades and citizenship are also available on ASPIRE). We hope you have a chance to celebrate the progress and growth they’ve made!

We are sending everything home tomorrow (Wednesday), so it’s the last day to bring student backpacks! Make sure students bring their water bottle for field day and their last reading challenge. We won’t need backpacks for the field trip on Thursday or the last day of school on Friday. Thank you!

Looking Ahead

  • Next Reading Challenge due Wednesday, May 18
  • May 20 (this Friday) — Kindergarten “Graduation” Pictures. We will be taking each student’s picture outside wearing a “graduation crown” with a banner and balloons in the background. We will put your child’s picture in the google drive folder we shared with you. If you would like to take your own picture, the backdrops will be up and you’re welcome to take pictures when you pick them up at 10:30.
  • May 25 – Field Day – parent volunteers needed to help supervise students while they play on inflatable slides and blow up obstacle courses (8:30-9:30 am). Sign up here.
  • May 26th – Kindergarten field trip to Treehouse Children’s Museum. *Take note: we anticipate arriving back at the school at 12:00. If you haven’t already, please click on the following link to complete a permission form for your child: Field Trip Permission Form
  • May 27- Yearbook signing (last day of school)