All SEPs and report cards have been mailed home, so no need to come pick those up from the school.
All your student’s personal items were already sent home in April, so no need to come to Quest for that.
If you ordered a yearbook, they can be picked up, curbside, at the Q1 main doors next Tuesday (5/26) and Wednesday (5/27) from 7:30AM to 5:30PM.
If you borrowed a Quest device, it will need to be returned on Tuesday or Wednesday between 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Below are procedures for returning Chromebooks:
- Drive up the Kindergarten doors. An employee will check the Chromebook for damage.
- If you have disinfecting wipes, please disinfect and clean the computer and cord before returning it
- Computers need to be returned with the power supply cord
- Computers need to be charged so we can check for screen damage
- Be sure to inform us of any damage you are aware of
- Fees or loss or damage include, but are not limited to: Power supply Replacement ($24.97); Screen Replacement ($131.35); Full Chromebook Replacement ($232.00)
- See the map below for more instructions.