Back to School Night Reminder

Monday, August 19
Room 106
Presentations will begin every 30 minutes (6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30pm)

We’re looking forward to meeting with you!

School Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast is available prior to the start of class (8:00-8:20am).  Students eating breakfast should go directly to the lunchroom when they arrive at the school. Parents are welcome to accompany their child to the lunchroom for breakfast. It costs $0.30 for students that qualify for the reduced price and $1.50 for full pay students. We encourage you to submit an online free/reduced meal application through your Aspire account.  It is a super quick process.

Lunch is also available to half day kindergarten students if parents accompany them to the lunchroom after they’re dismissed from school at 11:30. It costs $0.40 for students that qualify for the reduced price and $2.00 for all full pay students. For lunch, students will choose either a hot or cold entree. They will also have access to the full salad bar with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

The breakfast and lunch menus can be found at the following link. Quest Academy’s Menu

Our lunchroom staff will be available during Back to School night to answer questions and to allow the students to see the lunchroom. If your child has any allergies, this is a great time to talk with the staff. Note: All allergies need to be documented in Aspire.

You may contact Stephanie Hadley ( if you have any questions.

Preparing for Kindergarten

Kindergarten = A BIG CHANGE for your child

Some students adjust very well and LOVE Kindergarten right away!    

Some students… don’t and may go through an adjustment period.  

If your child has trouble adjusting: Know that this is perfectly normal! It will get better!

You can help:

Sleep: Early, consistent bedtimes

**Start changing your summer schedule to a school schedule now**

Healthy Meals: Especially Breakfast!

Be Encouraging: Excitement is infectious

Consistent Attendance

Parking Lot Procedures

Wondering how to navigate the Quest parking lot?

Whether you are new to Quest or a Quest veteran, please take a moment and view this informative AND entertaining video about the parking lot procedures at Quest. Not everything will apply since we are half day Kindergarten. Some differences for PICK UP include:

  • Our class will be waiting to be picked up on the sidewalk in front of our classroom.
  • Caregivers can park alongside the curb in front of us or park in the parking lot and walk to pick up student (please use crosswalk).
  • Students will take turns pointing to their caregiver and give us a “Fist Bump” before they leave with their caregiver.
  • Please share with anyone who will be driving your child to and/or from school: Parking Lot Procedures

Back to School Night

Monday, August 19
Pick a Time: 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, OR 7:30 pm

During Back to School Night you will have the opportunity to come to our classroom (room 106) and learn more about our class and the upcoming school year.

We are looking forward to meeting with you and your student!

Dress Code


We frequently receive questions concerning the school dress code.  For your convenience, click here to access the complete Quest Academy dress code page: Dress Code

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind, more detailed information will be found at the above link:

  • TOPS
  • Shirts must have a collar and be either solid white, navy or red. Appropriate collared styles are blouse, polo, oxford, turtleneck, or dress shirt.
  • Shirts cannot have a logo other than a Quest Academy logo.
  • All shirts must be long enough to remain tucked in.
  • Sweaters or sweater vests (hooded or unhooded) may be worn in solid navy, white or red.
  • Girls may wear skirts, jumpers, skorts, shorts, capris or pants that are either solid navy or tan. Solid color red and navy polo dresses and navy/red plaid #36 dresses are allowed.
  • Boys may wear pants or shorts in either solid navy or tan.
  • Skirts, shorts or skorts are to be no shorter than 2 inches above the kneecap.
  • No denim, nylon, sweat, leather, stretch, or vinyl material may be worn.
  • All students must wear closed toe and closed heel shoes. Shoes cannot have lights or wheels.
  • Socks or footed tights must be worn at all times.  Socks are to be solid red, white, or navy.  
  • If wearing a belt it needs to be solid black or brown. 
  • Quest Academy jackets, hoodies, and pullovers can be worn at any time. However, heads may never be covered in the building.
  • Students are allowed to wear a designated “School Spirit Shirt” on select days. (Fridays)
  • Shirts must be buttoned and tucked in, shoes must be tied or fastened, clothing must be worn right-side-out, appropriate underwear must be worn, but not visible, etc. Clothing shall not be excessively worn or have holes.
  • Hair must be kept neat and have a combed appearance and appropriate for school. No extreme hair color or styles, only “natural” hair colors are permitted (for example, fuchsia or “hot pink” hair is not “natural”).
  • Outer wear that is worn for warmth to and from school and at outside recess is not considered a uniform item.

I am so excited to get to know you! Please answer a few questions: All About Me

To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Click here: Getting to Know Your Child form

Throughout the year if we need to contact you directly, we will use the contact information you provided in Aspire. Please make sure it remains up-to-date. Click here to check your contact information: Aspire Gradebook

Thank You!


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We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Kindergarten class and can’t wait to meet everyone!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to our Blog“ (the pineapple on the right sidebar).

In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find my Class Disclosure and  Supply list.

The first day of Kindergarten will be Wednesday, August 21, 8:30am-11:30am. Click here for the full Quest 2024-2025 school calendar.

If you’re wondering if your child is ready for Kindergarten and what to work on this summer:

We look forward to seeing each of you during our Back to School Night on Monday, August 19, 6-8pm.  Enjoy the rest of your summer break!

Thank You!

What an honor to be your children’s teachers this year!  They are dear to us and we are so proud of their hard work and it’s been so much fun to see how they’ve grown!  Luckily, we know most of them will be close next year and we will be able to see their adorable faces now and then–so this isn’t really good-bye!

Thank you, parents, for all your amazing support this year: helping your child read and practice other skills at home, help on field trips and in the classroom or helping from home.  We truly appreciate the kind, generous, thoughtful gifts and notes.Thanks for all your donations for field trips and classroom supplies!  We can’t thank you enough, and especially for sharing your kiddos with us.  We will miss them, but excited for all the growth and learning that lies ahead!  🙂

With Love,
Ms. Lisa and Ms. Olya

*(All photos are available in the google drive folder we’ve sent to you. Please let me know if you need the link again!)