A Heads Up on What to Expect

heads upDear Parents,
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we’re all scrambling to make the best of this situation.  We hope our classroom learning the next few days is flexible enough and will work for each family’s situation. Here is a quick overview of what to expect for your child’s online learning:

1) You should have received an email from Quest about picking up your student’s packet.  Several of the worksheets will be explained and are to be completed only when the teacher directs, but there’s also several “extra’s” that can be completed if your child has extra time (like during Spring Break!).  With that said, please don’t be alarmed by the volume.  We want to keep them engaged and learning but not overwhelmed! 🙂

2) Everything your child needs to work on for that day will be listed on our classroom BLOG each morning.  Many of the lessons will be pre-recorded by the 1st grade teachers and your child just has to click on the link provided and then complete the practice work listed.  Please have them work through the list of learning activities each day so they don’t get behind and help them wherever possible to navigate through the computer programs and this new process.  We will also attempt to “meet” online a couple times during the day with the whole class through a program called “Google Meet” (times will be listed on the blog). If your child isn’t able to meet at those times, we will record it and post it for them to watch later. (*Update: these recordings were too long and wouldn’t download. Our apologies!) (We realize this is very sophisticated for 1st graders to do on their own, so don’t stress if they can’t meet with us “live” because there isn’t an adult available to help at that time…we just want to make an attempt to see and talk to them a couple times each day).

3) In order for your student to find us on “Google Meet” and get into some of their computer programs, they need to login using their Quest Google Account.  Login information is on their packet.
For a quick look at navigating through some of these programs click here: Finding Clever, iReady, Google Meet and Wonders.

4) Please be patient with us as we work out any bugs 🙂

And most importantly, please don’t hesitate to email us at any time with questions.
We are going to miss being with our class, but hope your families all stay safe and healthy!
Thanks again,
Ms. Smith and Mrs. Teichert

Electronic Device With WebCam Required For School Dismissal

Hello Parents,
By now you have heard Governor Herbert’s and our State Superintendent’s requirement for all schools to teach online for the next two weeks.  Your student will need access to the internet and an electronic device with a web cam.  Mrs. Teichert and Ms. Smith will be teaching via video conference.  Your student will need a forward facing camera to interact with our online class.  If you do not have a device with a webcam, Quest is happy to loan you a Google ChromeBook for the next two weeks.  You may check-out a ChromeBook when you pick up your student’s schoolwork. 

Stay tuned for more information.  We greatly appreciate our families being so flexible at this time.  We know this creates a hardship for parents – thank you for all you do.  You are amazing!

-Mrs. Teichert/Ms. Smith

Quest Academy Student Council Service Project

The Quest Academy Student Council is participating in a service project to donate hygiene kits to refugees in Bangladesh. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), more than 723,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since August 25, 2017. On September 28, 2018, at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said there are 1.1 million Rohingya refugees now in Bangladesh. Beginning today, we will be collecting donations to assemble kits to help aid the people of this country.

We are collecting:
-bars of soap
-gallon sized Ziplock bags

Donations can be any size and placed in the shopping carts in Q1 or Q2. We would greatly appreciate it if everyone would donate one or more of the selected items to help us with these relief efforts for the people of Bangladesh.

Reminder: Math Fluency

We are practicing our MATH FACTS fluently within 10!  Students are practicing at school, but they can also practice at home with a dry erase marker!  The goal is to complete the page within 3 minutes and 15 seconds with 90% accuracy. 
(If your child is ready to pass them off, please send us an email so we can check.  Next, we can challenge them with a 2nd grade standard to pass off facts within 20!)
Extra copies: Addition Sums Within 10 and Subtraction Within Ten
Strategies we are using in class: Facts Within 10 Homework Note
Thanks for helping your child be successful with their math facts!