Halloween Parade & Party Permission Form

curly-witch-hat-with-flowerThe Quest Academy Halloween Parade will be on Thursday, October 31 from 9:00-10:00 am. Parents are welcome to watch the parade as students walk through the Q2 gym.
Please note: October 31 is a SHORT DAY and school is not in session the following day (Friday, Nov. 1).
The 1st Grade Halloween Party will go from 11:30-12:50.  Please complete the online permission form:  Halloween PERMISSION FORM

We will be holding three holiday parties this year: Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s. We are requesting a $2.00 donation for each party to help with the associated costs.  If possible, please donate $8.00 for all holiday parties at this time.  If you prefer you may donate $2.00 now and pay the remaining amount later.  Thank you for your generous donations!

Costume Guidelines:
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.


Pumpkin-7-300x2941- Bring or email a family picture Thursday.

2- FRIDAY:  
   Canned Food Dress Down Day

*Bring 3 or more food cans for Dress Down Day  (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).

3- Turn in BOX TOPS by Friday for our last collection day for Fall Submission.

4- Parent Teacher Conferences:
 Tuesday,November 5th and Thursday November 7th.  We would love to meet with each of you.  If you haven’t already, please sign up for a time slot below:
Click On This Link To Sign Up For a PTC Spot

Family Picture

HeredityDear Parents,

In our science lesson on Thursday, we will be exploring the similarities and differences in characteristics when comparing offspring to parents.  This is especially fun for the students if they can bring in pictures of themselves and their families.  If you are able to send in a family photo, or a one page collage of the members of your family in a protective plastic sleeve by Thursday, I will hang them up for the students to observe, but not touch.  Alternatively, you may email me a picture instead at lteichert@questac.org
Bonus if you have a picture of yourself around your child’s age! 🙂

If your children are adopted or in a blended family, your pictures are most welcome!  My own children are adopted and I bring in their pictures to show that even though we don’t share the same genetic traits, we share the same traits that make us humans.  Even biological families often don’t look like each other and it gives us lots of examples to talk about.

Thank You!!  

Parent Teacher Conferences

Hello Parents,
Our first Parent Teacher Conferences of the school year will be on Tuesday, November 5th and Thursday, November 7th.  Conferences will be 15 minutes in duration.  Please sign-up for a slot by clicking on the link below:

Click On This Link To Sign Up For a PTC Spot

Please be punctual to your appointment so Ms. Smith and Ms. Teichert can spend all your allotted time with you.  You are welcome to bring your wonderful student along to our conference.