What We Are Learning

We are now beginning Unit 5 in Language Arts. Here are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during this unit. We are continuing to work on handwriting and blending sounds to read words. We are reading decodable passages and recording our reading on SeeSaw.

Unit 5

This Week’s Overview and Reminders:

Thanks to all the parent volunteers for helping with our winter party! We had so much fun! And thank you so much for the thoughtful and generous gifts! We appreciate your kind support! Hoping you all have a wonderful holiday with your families! See everyone back on Monday, January 6th.

I reminded students about their reading challenge and to keep their brains sharp over the break by continuing to practice the skills we’ve been working so hard on! 🙂

Looking Ahead:

  • December 16-January 5: Winter Break- No School
  • January 13-17 Middle of Year Testing (Letter Naming Fluency, First Sound Fluency, Number Identification Fluency, Next Number Fluency and Beginning Quantity Fluency/”Dominoes”)

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy: “Ask and Answer Questions”/”Key Details: Time Order” . We read different stories to go along with our theme “How can people help to make your community better?”

Review High Frequency Words: to, and, go, you, do

Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. Review sound/spelling: /i/ Ii, /n/ Nn, /k/ Cc, short /o/ Oo, and /d/ Dd

Vocabulary: community, improve, confused, harvest, quarrel

Math: Reviewed Counting to 100 and Adding & Subtracting within 5.

Science: We loved learning more about forces from Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum!

Forces and Engineering: We explored ways to invent a trap and a machine that can do chores.

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking Ahead:

  • Thursday, December 19: Free Dress Down Day. Students are welcome to wear comfy pajamas today!
  • Thursday, December 19: Discovery Gateway comes to Quest Kindergarten classes
  • Friday, December 20: Class Winter Party and Free Dress Down Day. Students are welcome to wear an “ugly” sweater today!
  • December 23-January 5: Winter Break- No School

*Elementary Yearbooks on sale now click HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625)

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions”/Characters and Setting . We read different stories to go along with our theme “Who are your neighbors?”

New High Frequency Word: “do”

Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: /d/ Dd

Vocabulary: cultures, appreciate, prefer, tradition, proud

Math: Lesson 17 “Count within 100″ (by 1’s and 10’s) continued.

Science: This week, students learned a key idea about forces: how pushes can change the direction and speed of an object’s movement. We learned how some mountain towns in danger of landslides can build structures to protect themselves from falling rocks. Students designed and tested their own solutions to re-direct falling boulders away from their town and toward a waiting dump truck.

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking Ahead:

  • Thursday, December 19: Free Dress Down Day. Students are welcome to wear comfy pajamas today!
  • Thursday, December 19: Discovery Gateway comes to Quest Kindergarten classes
  • Friday, December 20: Class Winter Party  (Winter Party Volunteer Sign Up) and Free Dress Down Day. Students are welcome to wear an “ugly” sweater today!
  • December 23-January 5: Winter Break- No School

*Elementary Yearbooks on sale now click HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625)

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Ask and Answer Questions” and “Topic and Details” . We read two informational texts and a tale from Puerto Rico (“Little Juan and the Cooking Pot”) to go along with our theme “What do people use to do their job?”

New High Frequency Word: “you”

Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: Oo

Vocabulary: equipment, uniform, utensils, expect, remained

Math: Lesson 17 “Count Within 100″ (by 1’s and 10’s)

Science: Human Bumper Bowling. Students made a model bumper bowling alley and worked together to knock down pins using force to change the balls direction.

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

We sent Unit 3 Wonders Workbook (and math packets) home today so they would have additional practice and stories to read over the long Thanksgiving break.

Looking Ahead:

  • Monday-Friday, November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
  • Thursday, December 19: Discovery Gateway comes to Quest Kindergarten classes
  • Friday, December 20: Class Winter Party
  • December 23-January 5: Winter Break- No School

*Elementary Yearbooks on sale now click HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625)

*Scholastic Book Order: Books make great gifts! Order by Monday, December 2 for delivery before winter break. Feel free to share this link and our class code with grandparents, family and friends. Click here for easy online ordering: Scholastic Reading Club (our class code is Y8WGR). Online ordering is fast and easy and allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer.  You can also try Scholastic’s “Book Finder” for ideas on books for your child.

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy: “Visualize”. We read different stories to go along with our theme “The Places We Go”

New High Frequency Word: “go”

Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: /k/ Cc

Vocabulary: routine, neighborhood, local, intelligent, volunteer

Math: Lesson 10 continued “Add and Subtract Within 10”

Science: Our key idea for this week is that by playing with and thinking about forces, people can accomplish surprisingly big things. For example, this week we solved the mystery, “How can you knock down a wall made of concrete?” Your child did an activity where they investigated what happened to a “wall” made of cups when they changed the strength and direction of a paper wrecking ball.

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving Pizza Feast! Students were quick to think of things they were grateful for. I’m so grateful for them! Happy Thanksgiving!