A Wrinkle in Time!

We are the best class ever!

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This week in class

This week has been so much fun in class! Talk to your students about the three branches of government, how a bill becomes a law, the founding fathers, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights…they know a lot! We have also learned so much about the three types of rocks, volcanoes, and erosion. It has been very exciting!

Many students have been sick this week. I talked to the class about washing hands often in order to stop germs from spreading, and we have been sanitizing our desks. DON’T FORGET- If your child is home sick, they can still do all of the assignments on FrontRow and Wonders to keep up with the class! Just have them log in and do what assignments are on there.

We have a writing assignment called “1-25 Bullying” on Wonders that we din’t get done in class. I would like students to finish that up at home if at all possible.

Thanks, parents!
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Homework 1/22 – 1/26


READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for ELA counts for reading!

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Targeted Practice #21 and #42. We are learning about converting decimals to fractions.  (The standards are 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6, and 4.NF.7.) You will find two new videos posted on the Math Lessons link. 

ELA: Go to Wonders and complete the assignments “Vocab Homework”, “Vocab Homework #2” and “HW-A Day in the Senate”.
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Conner’s Last Day in Class

Conner is moving, and his last day in class will be this Friday. We are going to have a little send-off at 1:00-1:30 on Friday (the 19th). Please fill out this form to give permission for a cupcake.

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New Club

There is a new club starting for fourth graders. This will be a choir club taught by Miss Dixon.  They will learn music basics such as rhythm, pitch, harmonies, and melodies. After school clubs are not required, but are a chance for students to get extra time to participate in an activity. 

The club will be held every Tuesday afternoons from 3:10 – 3:40 pm. It will be held February 6th, 13th, 27th, and March 6th, 13th, and 20th (No February 20th session because of Parent Teacher Conferences). Space is limited!

If you child is interested, print and fill out this form:
Club Form
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Homework 1/16 – 1/19

READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page.

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Targeted Practice #30 and #58. We are learning about converting decimals to fractions for the next 2 weeks.  (The standards are 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6, and 4.NF.7.) You will find two new videos posted by the end of today on the Math Lessons link. 

ELA: Go to Wonders and complete the assignments “GramMonster” and “1-16 Spelling”. The assignments do not take long to finish.
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Grades are Final

I am sending final grades home today for second quarter! Remember, if you have any questions, you can log in to Aspire and run a progress report to see what you students got on each assignment. Any other questions just give me a call or email.
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A Message from Administration

Teachers have been asked to post this on our blogs. If you have any questions about your child, just give me a call or send a message. If we have any students who have lost their name tags, I will let you know personally.

Dear Parents,
We are hoping to get some help with an issue we are having at the school regarding missing name badges. As stated in our Handbook, “Everyone is required to wear their name badge to attend class (the name badge must be that of the current school year). Please reinforce having name badges as they create a safer environment at the school. To replace a lost name badge, your child will need to pay $5.00 for a new one. A student without a name badge will be referred to the office to call home. Parents/Guardians will be expected to bring their child’s name badge or pay $5.00 for a replacement. Only then will students be allowed to return to class.” Elementary students are to leave their name badges in their classrooms at the end of the day. Jr. High students are encouraged to leave their name badges in their lockers before leaving. To ensure your child receives a full day’s worth of learning in the classroom, please make sure their name badge is left at school and returned the following day if accidentally taken home. Please note, that you have this week as a grace period to either find your child’s lost name badge or replace it for $5.00. Starting Tuesday, January 16 (one week from today), students who do not have name badges will not be attending class until a new one is purchased or their old one is returned. If parents are working when their children call, they are more than welcome to either pay for a badge using a credit card over the phone or to pay online.
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Grades for 2nd Quarter

Student grades are posted and accurate in Aspire. There are only a few upcoming assignments that they will do this week. Please check the grades before Friday. If you run a progress report (located just below where the citizenship is listed), you can see which assignments (if any) your student is missing.  Any questions you have, let me know. I’ll submit grades on Friday. 
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This Week’s Homework


READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports are due this week! This book will be a mystery. Students have signed up to present their reports on January 9th, 10th, or 11th.

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Targeted Practice #13 and #20. We are learning how to multiply fractions. You will find a video posted by the end of today on the Math Lessons link. 

ELA: Go to Wonders and complete the assignments “Spelling”, “Vocab Practice”, and read the story “Nelly Bly”. The assignments do not take long to finish.
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