
Don’t forget, book reports are due this week!
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Homework and Tutoring

Welcome to 2018!

We are jumping right back into school, so get ready! I want to let you know that I will be providing one-on-one tutoring after school for Math on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting next week. Anyone who needs it is invited, but I will reach out to those I feel could really use the help. Here is the homework for this week:

Homework for 1/3-1/5

READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports are due next week! This book will be a mystery. Students have signed up to present their reports on January 9th, 10th, or 11th.

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Targeted Practice #81. We are learning Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers, and Composite Numbers. You will find a video posted by the end of today on the Math Lessons link. 

ELA: Go to Wonders and complete the assignment “Opinion Essay”. This will be due by Monday.

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This Week’s Homework

12/11 – 12/15

Because we have so many kids sick this week, I am posting all of the classwork online. Students should check in to Wonders and FrontRow to do any unfinished work. Other than that, read for 20 minutes each night and get ready to enjoy Christmas Vacation!
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Mountain Man Visit

Check out the Peek Into Class page to see pictures and a video of our visit from a Mountain Man last week!
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Class this Week

Only a few more days until Christmas Vacation! This week I will be sending worksheets home for particular students, but other than that just make sure they are reading 20 minutes each night.

Our Mountain Man Rendezvous is on Thursday at 1:30. We are so excited! The projects that the students brought are just adorable. We have a couple of students who haven’t brought theirs yet. Please get them in as soon as possible; we are making the signs, planning the event, and getting prices set this week. Parents are welcome at the Mountain Man Rendezvous…I’ll even give you animal pelts to spend! 

This Friday is our Christmas Party! Parents are welcome to come! Don’t forget to send your white elephant gift from the dollar store sometime before Friday.

Finally, just a reminder that book reports are due after Christmas Vacation. Follow the link for more information.
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Permission Slip for Next Week

Please follow this link and fill out the permission slip for next week. Thanks!!


Also, not everyone has responded to the Google Form regarding the Mountain Man Rendezvous. Please follow this link if you have not yet responded:

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This Week’s Work

Hello parents!

This week’s Math has been a challenge for me. We have been working on decomposing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and fraction word problems ( is the standard). We have 26 students in our class and 26 different levels when it comes to fractions. I have been working with students one-on-one and assessing each of them. 

I told the students I would not be posting homework this week. However, there are many students in class that need extra help or practice. So what I have done is assigned work on FrontRow and Wonders that are specific to your child. I always tell students that I don’t make promises because things are always changing in the classroom!

As I said, the assignments I have given are specific to your child. For example, I assigned division practice to many of them because we need to have those facts solid while doing fractions. I also assigned “Exit Ticket” work on the standard to everyone. If you don’t see any assignments for them, it is because they are all caught up. Most assignments are short and don’t take long to finish up.

The work on FrontRow and Wonders are not due by Friday. Just have the students get those done as soon as they can. I am telling students to make it a habit to go to FrontRow and Wonders each day after school to see if there are things they need to finish up. Support from the parents to make sure this happens would be great! THANKS for all you do!
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Don’t Forget

Parents, I am reposting this information. Don’t forget to fill this out!!

We will be having a Mountain Man Rendezvous at school (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, December 14th. Students will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples include: Native American Drums, flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and crafts. No food items will be allowed. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 24 items to sell.

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts”. This is our form of money. They will have a chance to earn 10 pelts each day (based on behavior). This is the currency they will use to buy things at the rendezvous. 

This is a really fun activity, so please fill out this Google Form as soon as possible!
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Book Orders for Christmas

Book orders for November are due today! If you are ordering things for Christmas, please get the order in by 5:00pm. Just click on the Book Orders link. Books through scholastic are a great deal. Thanks!!
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Student of the Week

Our Student of the Week this week is Taina Ballard!

Student of the week is a student who exemplifies P.R.I.D.E.! Taina is a wonderful student who is always engaged in class and takes learning seriously. Because of her great example, she gets to have ice cream on Friday with the administration. Yay, Taina!
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