Parent-Teacher Conferences

It’s my favorite time…Parent-Teacher Conferences! I can’t wait to meet with you on Tuesday, Oct. 23 and Thursday, Oct. 25. We are using Bloomz for the signups. Please go to your Bloomz app and sign up for a spot. We will stick to the schedule, so make a note of your time. If you cannot make it to any of the times, I am also available before school on Friday, Oct. 26, so email me and we will make that work.

If you have not signed up for Bloomz, our class code is BZPXEE.
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Book Report Times

Parents are more than welcome to come and watch the book reports! We are doing the book reports every day at 1:00 this week. We will start right at 1:00 and give each student 5 minutes. We’d love to have you visit. (You can scroll down two posts to see which day they are presenting.)

Here is our Mindset Monday quote:
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Some kids want to post videos on Seesaw for their book report. Here is the Seesaw code:
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 3.57.57 PM
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Book Reports

Book reports are here!

Yesterday we pulled random sticks and signed up for book reports. Below are the days the students signed up for, so please make a note of it. Book reports are always so much fun. Remember, they don’t have to write anything. Just tell us about what they read in a creative way. Click this link to find ideas if they haven’t done it yet.

Mon, October 8:
Noah and Andrew (team)

Tues, October 9:
Kaylee B

Wed, October 10
Kaylee M

Thu, October 11

Thanks, parents!
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Homework and Grades

Yesterday I sent some homework home with students. The Unit 1 Review pages are just for fun. Students can do that for practice if they choose. The Multiplication packet was something we did in class, and I would like them to finish it. If they do not bring it back to me, it will have no effect on their grade. I only sent it home because we didn’t get all the way through it. 

I just want to reiterate that the students are working VERY hard all day at school, so I am not sending much homework home. Believe me, they are working double time on math and ELA at school, so they deserve a rest when they get home! On the few occasions I send packets home, they are not required to bring them back.
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Book Orders and Book Reports

I submitted the book order for September, so if you ordered a book from Scholastic in September you will get in next week. If you order books now, they will be added to the October order. There are some really great deals right now for books. (I bought “The Hunger Games” for $1!) 

Please check with your students that they are getting their book read for the book report. I have encouraged them to do slide shows and videos for their book reports, and I have shown them some examples. Encourage them to get going on that project! There are some great ideas on the book reports page.
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It seems that Bloomz has not been working very well this year. From now on if you want to contact me, please just send me an email at I get my emails directly to my phone so this system should work out fine. Don’t forget you can call directly to my class by calling Quest and dialing extension 138. Thanks!
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Drama Club!

Parents, this year Quest students will be performing a Christmas play at Ogden High School.  Tryouts will be held on Monday, September 24, 2018. Students in grades 3-5 may try out by clicking the link below for the signup sheet. 
After filling out this form, you will receive an email with a tryout time on Monday, September 24. An email with the final cast list will be sent out on Thursday, September 27. Play practice will be held on Mondays after school from 3:00-4:00pm.
Hope to see you at tryouts!
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Field Trip Permission

Hello, parents!
We have two special days planned for 4th grade this month:

  • Thursday, Sept. 20, we will have the Living Planet Aquarium coming to our school to talk to the 4th grade about the water cycle and do scientific experiments.
  • Thursday, Sept. 27, we will travel by school bus to This is the Place, and spend the day learning about Utah pioneers. We will visit an old schoolhouse, a blacksmith shop, ride a train, push handcarts, and more! I need permission for your child to attend, so please fill out the permission form here. 
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Mindset Monday

We all have different strengths and weaknesses, but the most important thing is that we DO OUR BEST! That will be our theme for next week, and our focus for Mindset Monday.
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