Three Announcements

We will have the Living Planet Aquarium coming to our class on September 20th. It will be a fun day learning all about the water cycle. Make sure your student is here that day so they can participate. This is only the first of many fun activities and field trips we do in 4th grade!

I still have many of you who have not turned in the $6 to the office for Scholastic News. I have to subscribe to Scholastic News for the whole class for our current events. If you do not turn in your $6, I will be paying for them. (Six dollars per student starts to add up quickly, so any help you can give is appreciated.)

Just a reminder, here is what homework looks like in my class:
–Always have them read 20 minutes each night. ALWAYS! Get something their reading level and get them reading.
–Keep practicing those multiplication facts. They should be committed to memory. No counting on hands…make sure they have them memorized.
–If a student doesn’t get everything done in class, I will send worksheets home (usually Math). I will let you know personally through Bloomz if your student has homework.
–Work on those book reports. No writing is involved, they just need to tell the class about the book. You can find creative ideas here. You are welcome to come and watch their book report when they present. I will send you news about that through Bloomz as well.

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Math this week

This week in Math we are discussing Place Value. I am sending a letter home with students about what we are learning this week in Math along with an activity to do at home as a family. If you did not receive the letter, you can get it here: 
Lesson 1 Letter

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Dollar Dress Down Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our first Dollar Dress Down Day. Be sure to send the dollar if your student dresses down. 

Don’t forget swimming tomorrow night at the Clearfield Aquatic Center!

We finished diagnostics on Math this week, so next week you will start to see lessons posted and notes sent home about what we are learning.

Thanks, parents!
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Homework this week

Parents, please take time to sign up for Bloomz if you have not done so. Our class code is BZPXEE. Starting next week I will be using Bloomz for updates on our class, and for one-on-one communication with you.

As we have started Math this week, I have noticed that many students in our class are behind in their multiplication facts. Please work hard on these at home. Students should have these facts committed to memory. Think of ways your student learns best. Set up a competition, have them write them out repeatedly, test them while driving in the car, or use flash cards. They may also use Reflex Math. Having multiplication facts MEMORIZED is the key to doing great in 4th grade Math!

(Links to BLOOMZ and Reflex are on the right under “Bookmarks”.)
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Next Week

We had a very successful week in class, and we have gotten to know each other very well. Starting on Monday we will jump right into Math and ELA work, so encourage your kids to have a fun weekend, get to bed early on Sunday, and eat a nice breakfast before school. This year is going to rock!
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First Week of School

Well, our first day of class is over, and we all did great! We have such a wonderful group of 4th graders. They had lots of questions about me and my class, and I got to know them a little. This week we will have no homework. We are getting to know each other and doing some team building games while we review Math and Language Arts. We are off to a great start!
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2018-2019 School Year

WELCOME MRS. ANSON’S  2018-2019 4th GRADE CLASS! I can’t wait to meet you! Feel free to click on the “Parent Info” link above to see the school supply list for the coming school year. Back to school night is on Friday, August 17th, and the first day of school is Tuesday, August 21st. Subscribe to the blog to keep up-to-date on our class.

Click links on my blog and you’ll get a feel for our class and what kinds of things you will learn this year. I am looking forward to seeing all of you 4th graders, and I can’t wait for school to start again! 

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The Ogden Gem and Rock Club came to share their ZEST of Rocks and Minerals we use!!!IMG_1328
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Field Day

We are planning some fun activities.  One of them will be sidewalk art.  If anyone is willing to donate sidewalk chalk for this day- that would be WONDERFUL!
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Also, parents need to fill out this food permission form. 
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Uniform Exchange

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