On the last day of school, May 25, elementary students will be having a talent show in the Q1 gym. Kindergarten through 2nd Grade will perform at 8:45am and 3rd Grade through 5th Grade will perform at 9:45am. There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis. An email will be sent out if your child has been selected to participate in the talent show.

To sign up, click here!
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Dollar Dress Down Friday

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Info About the 4th Grade Program

Our 4th Grade program, “Utah, This is the Place” will be tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30pm. It will be held in the Q2 building’s gym. We have been working hard and are so excited!

For our program, we need parents to bring chairs or blankets and pillows to sit on. I hope this is not inconvenient for you, but it is the only solution for seating. It is so appreciated!

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Two Fun Things About Next Week

I personally would appreciate your support with my Teacher’s Pick Box at the book fair! (Our classroom library could use some help. :)) Grownups and goodies is always fun for the students!
BOGO Bookfair
grownup and goodies may
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Field Trip Wednesday

Details about the field trip:

The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life. Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of buses for this field trip. The field trip will be Wednesday, May 2.

We will be meeting at the Frontrunner station on 4000 South promptly at 8:30. There will be NO RIDES provided from the school to the Frontrunner Stations. Please make arrangements to drop your student off by 8:30, as the train leaves at 8:46. Students will need to be picked up at the Frontrunner Station on 4000 South. Our train is scheduled to arrive at 3:16. Please be there on time. Every student will need this signed permission slip in order to participate.

Each student will need to bring a COLD lunch from home. (There will be no microwaves or silverware, so plan appropriately.) Students will need a bag or backpack to carry their lunch in. If you would like to attend the field trip with your student please indicate so on the permission slip. Remember to bring your lunch, too!

I have room for two more free adults to come with us. More parents are welcome to come, but once I get past six parents you will have to pay for your admission to Thanksgiving Point. We have another in-school field trip coming up from Ogden Nature Center on April 30th. To offset the cost of both field trips, we are asking for a donation of $7 per student.

Finally, just be aware that NO siblings are allowed on the field trip according to Thanksgiving Point’s rules. Any adult volunteers will be required to ride the Frontrunner with the students down to Thanksgiving Point and back.

We are very excited about this field trip! If you have not signed the permission slip, please do so today! 

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Library News

Students and parents, 

Just a few important things to now about Library. Next week (April 30th) is the last check out day for Library. The following week (May 7) is the last week of Library. All books must be returned or paid for on that day.

Remember, if you don’t have your books returned or paid for, you will have to help Mrs. Anderson clean in the Library instead of having field day!

We are so grateful to Mrs. Anderson and all she has taught us this year!

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4th Grade Program

Dear Parents,  

The 4th Grade Utah History program is a presentation of what we have learned this year in Utah History. Students will wear their best dress that evening. If any of your students will not be able to make it to perform with the class, please let me know.

There are several speaking parts for the program. When the program date is approaching, we will assign those speaking parts in class.

Here are the Program songs for our class.
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Getting Ready!

worth it
We are getting ready for SAGE testing, and having lots of fun in the process! If you come to school, you will see lots of decorations, and lots of buzz. Please encourage your students, they have learned what they need to know all year, and now they get to show what they have learned! 

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For the rest of the year, we will be using Education Galaxy for studying Math and ELA. Your students know what to work on! We have gone over it in great detail in class. Every student is different, but they know exactly what they need to do. Thanks for your support in having them work on Education Galaxy at home!

Great resources to use at home as much as possible are Prodigy, Freckle (FrontRow Ed), and Education Galaxy!
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Events Coming Up

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