Book Reports, etc.

I have finally been able to lock down due dates for book reports. They will be due on May 7, and students will sign up to present the 7th, 8th, and 9th. These book reports should be on a biography or autobiography.

I suggested to students to use Puppet Pals as an option for the book report. Many students have used this before. It is an app on iPad. This is NOT required. It was just a suggestion to them as another way they could do a digital presentation using the TV screen in class. I am requiring them to do something with technology for this final book report. Encourage them to get creative!

Just a reminder, we will be SAGE testing starting April 30th. Please be sure your students get lots of sleep, eat right, and have a positive attitude about showing off what they have learned all year!

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Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Dollar Dress Down Day!
Dress Down April 13
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Field Trip!

I am very excited to announce our next field trip! The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life. Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of buses for this field trip. The field trip will be Wednesday, May 2.

We also have another in-school field trip coming up from Ogden Nature Center on April 30th. To offset the cost of both field trips, we are asking for a donation of $7 per student.

Please take a few minutes and fill out this form!
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This Week in Class

Welcome back from break! The students came back so relaxed and excited to work. It is so great for all of us to be back in class.

We are already winding down the school year, but we have lots of work to do over the next few weeks! We have learned our 4th grade Math and now we will be reviewing what we learned all year and perfecting our skills. From now until school gets out, I will be sending home individualized homework, mostly on FrontRow. Students should check FrontRow often, and do any open assignments as homework. Remember, the assignments are exactly what THAT student needs to work on! Always make sure students are reading for 20 minutes.

Finally, here is some information about an upcoming car wash and dress down day:


Dress Down April 13
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Have a great Spring Break!

I’ll see everyone back here on Monday, April 9th. Get lots of rest and relaxation because we are going to focus on getting ready for SAGE testing when you get back!
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Titanic Project

Dear Parents,
We have been learning about the Titanic. As a fourth grade we would like to end our unit with a wall sized diorama of the Titanic (see picture below). Each class will be given a section of the ship to create. Students will be partnered up to create a replica, the best they can, of a specific room on the ship.  
(Please note this is a school project. We will do all of the research, imagining, designing and creating AT SCHOOL.)
I am asking for your help in gathering the supplies needed for this project. This is a picture of what we are trying to create. If you are able to help with any of the supplies listed below please send them in with your student. We will be assembling the project on Thursday, April 12th. 
12 rectangle Kleenex boxes (We will cut the top off and use these for each room.)
Assortment of Scrapbook paper (The students will use this as wall paper, room decorations, and other furnishings.)
Accessories (Your student will need to make furniture for each room for chairs, beds, clocks, dressers, etc. These will be used to decorate the first and second class state rooms. The third class rooms will need bunk beds.These can be made out of popsicle sticks, toothpicks, paper, or really anything you can come up with. Let your student get creative finding things around the house to use in their box. If you send dollhouse furniture, we will get it back to you. Just know that it will be on display where lots of kids will be walking by.)

Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 3.45.06 PM
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Homework for the week of March 26th will be on an individual basis. I will be sending home a few worksheets with certain students, but everyone else should play Prodigy or Math Playground! Don’t forget to read for 20 minutes each night!
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New Link

STUDENTS! Check out the new link called MATH PLAYGROUND on the bookmarks menu to the right —-->
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Yearbook Reminder

Yearbook sales are coming to an end! Click here to order!
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Permission Slip

Staker-Parsons is coming on March 28th to talk with 4th grade about rocks and how rocks are used in the world. Part of this activity involves students “mining” for chocolate chip cookies in rocks. The following cookies are used:

Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie
Chips Ahoy Regular Chocolate Chip Cookie
Mother’s Brand Chocolate Chip Cookie

Here is the permission form.

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