Homework and Other Stuff

Homework this week: 3/19-3/23

READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for ELA counts for reading!

MATH: Do FrontRow assignments #56, #69, and #79 this week. We are working on angles and using a protractor this week. As always, there will be a video posted on the Math Lessons page!

ELA: None.

Other Stuff:
We are now in the 4th quarter of this year. We have a lot of work ahead of us, and a lot of fun things, too! Let’s just keep swimming!

Friday is a dollar fund raiser dress down to help send our junior high students to a Rube Goldberg competition. If you don’t know what Rube Goldberg is check out some videos on YouTube! It’s pretty cool. 

Next week we have an IN SCHOOL field trip. There is food involved and I am going to get a permission slip up for that this week. It has to be signed so you can participate!

Have a great week!
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Mindset Monday

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Class Party

For the past four weeks, our class has had 100% Mastery of the Math standards (4.MD.4, 4.G.1, 2, and 3)! As a reward for their hard work, we are going to have a class party! They may bring electronics on Wednesday, March 21st. We will have a class party after lunch! Yay!!
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Volunteers Needed

Parents, we were asked to share this information about volunteers needed for the carnival. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!
Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 3.39.02 PM
Click here for a pdf of the Carnival Flyer.
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Yearbook sales are coming to an end! Click here to order!
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This Week’s Homework


READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  are dues this week, and students have already signed up to present. More info on next quarter can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for ELA counts for reading!

MATH: Do FrontRow assignmens #80 this week. We are working on lines of symmetry. As always, there will be a video posted on the Math Lessons page!

ELA: Do Wonders assignments “GramMonster”, “Spelling Sort” and “Vocab” this week.
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Mindset Monday

Stay positive
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Dress Down Day Friday

Dear Parents,

Two employees from Quest are mentors for Youthlinc, a Utah-based nonprofit organization that organizes local and international service projects for youth. They are planning an international service project to a small village in Nepal for two weeks next July. They will be assisting high school aged students in serving a community in need. To help them in their efforts, POQA agreed to sponsor an optional dollar dress down day this Friday (March 9).  Students who would like to donate can dress down for a dollar.  Students who do not wish to participate are welcome to wear their uniforms.

Individuals who would like to donate more than a dollar can donate by clicking below: https://youthlinc.z2systems.com/np/clients/youthlinc/campaign.jsp?campaign=8&fundraiser=16144& (a cash donation in the front office would also be okay).  The people of Suntakhan would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide.  THANKS!

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This Week’s Homework


READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for ELA counts for reading!

MATH: Do FrontRow assignments #00 and #95 this week. We are working on angles, lines, rays, quadrilaterals, etc. and will be using protractors and rulers!

ELA: Do Wonders assignment called “3/5”. It is just a quick spelling exercise.

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Tomorrow’s Activities

Just a final reminder that tomorrow is Dr. Seuss Day. Students may dress up as a Dr. Seuss character, or wear green, or have crazy Who-hair, or all of the above!

To celebrate, POQA has arranged a free family skate night tomorrow at Classic Fun Center (867 N 1200 W, Layton). Admission is free for students and their whole families from 5-10pm. Bring some cash with you…There is a $3 dinner deal available with Nachos, Hot Dog, or Pizza Slice and a drink. There are also activities like the Pirate’s Cove and Laser Tag for $3 each, and the Ropes Course is $5. They also have  the arcade games to play. It should be a blast!

Dr Seuss Day Quest 1
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