Our class is AMAZING and we have best parents ever! Thank you for getting me your permission slips so quickly last night so we could have our party! We do need the following items donated so if there are any on the list that you would be willing to donate, it would be greatly appreciated!! Please comment on this post or send me an email so I can make sure we have everything we need.
2 bags of double stuffed oreo cookies
2 bags of pretzels
1 large bag of plain M&M’s
2 tubes of chocolate frosting to glue m&m’s on
3 popsicle sticks per child (63 count)
1 plastic spider per child (22 count)
2 scans of white yarn
1 sheet of black construction paper per child (22 count)
1 package of Qtips (300 count)
1 box of white chalk
I will send a box of Q-tips tomorrow.
I have popcicle sticks I will send with Alex.
i can donate the Qtips and walk chalk
Gauge is bringing popcicle sticks
So far we have the M&M’s, plastic spiders, popsicle sticks, pretzels, and white chalk being donated! Please let me know if there are any items you would like to donate by tonight.
Thank you!!
I will donate two packages of double stuff Oreos. Let me know though if you those are already taken care of and I can pick up something else.
That would be great! Thanks Charity!