I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I can’t believe we are heading into the third quarter. It’s going too fast for sure! We are starting area in composite shapes this week in math and will finish our Owl Moon unit in reading and writing.
Field Trip Information
Your student should have brought home a field trip permission slip. We are very excited to be going to the Utah Children’s Theatre and then to the State Capitol for lunch and a quick tour. We are asking for a $6.00 donation to cover the cost of entrance and partial help with the bus. No child will be left behind due to inability to pay the donation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Gala Basket
POQA will be sponsoring a Gala in March where each grade will create a basket for a basket auction. We are looking for a few parents (Hopefully one from each classroom) to head up this project. We will collect items for the basket from our students and then turn all items over to our volunteer parents to organize and package into a basket for the Gala. Please contact me if you would like to be a part of this project. We really appreciate your willing to help us make this a huge success.
Lunch/Recess/P.E. Notes
Just a reminder, the microwaves in the lunchroom should be used to warm up foods. We are seeing an increasing number of frozen meals that take 4 to 8 minutes to cook. This is very hard when there are 15 students waiting at one microwave to warm up their lunch. If you need to send a microwave meal, please cook it at home and put it in a container that your child can warm it up in the microwave at lunch time to ensure that everyone has time to eat.
Please note, the students will be going outside for Recess/PE every day unless it is extremely cold. Please have them dress for the weather. There is plenty of time for them to put their winter boots, pants, etc. before they go out and to take them off before the eat lunch. It is very uncomfortable to be in snow boots all day, so please send an extra pair of shoes for them to change into.
Multiplication Madness
We will be having our Multiplication Madness Activity in conjunction with our Valentine’s Party. I will be sending home notes daily on which factor your student is currently working on. It is so important that the facts be memorized not only for now, but for their math in 4th grade and in life. We will be sending home requests for donations for this activity in February.
Remember to READ at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes!
It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home. Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas. We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before. Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they will be given participation points for discussing what they’ve read the night before. Thanks!
Razkids login: nlloyd2
Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below:
Word Sort Groups
Red Group: yellow sort 37
Cherokee, Emily, Nathan, Garrett, Kayl, Daxon, Aleksander, Katie, Lana
Orange Group: Orange Group
Keysha, Marriner, Christian, Chance, Sienna
Green Group: Green Group
Amya, Mason
Yellow Group: Yellow Group
JD, Zurii, Cameron, Carson, Brinlee
Tuesday – Area Word Problems EVENS ONLY
Wednesday – Area of Composite Shapes ODDS ONLY
Thursday – Area of Composite Shapes EVENS ONLY