Before I forget, Tonight, Monday January 25th, is a FREE movie night at Cinepoint 6, sponsored by POQA. They will be showing the Peanuts Movie at 6:30 sharp, so arrive early, purchase your treats and settle in for a really fun show. With the movie in mind, I’ve decided to NOT require homework tonight.
If your child has not returned their permission slip for the field trip, please do that as soon as possible so we have a count for the Children’s Theatre.
Thursday is parent teacher night. If you would like to meet with me please send me an e-mail. I have 3:15, 3:30, 3:45 and 4:15 available
Friday is a Dollar Dress Down, Short Day. Please remember to have your child picked up at 1:00.
We are still looking for a few parents to help with our basket for the POQA sponsered Gala in March. 3rd grade is excited to announce that we will be doing a Sports Themed Basket (or Baskets if needed) with items from the 4 local Universities. and the Jazz. We will also be collecting items for these baskets so start looking and thinking about things that you might possibly donate towards the best basket for the Gala!