
Remember our Field Trip is this THURSDAY!! Please turn in your money and permission slips by Monday!!

April 21  Field trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium
Please notice the date change.  We had to move it one day due to transportation conflicts in Draper.  We’re sorry if this is an inconvenience.  The permission slip can be found here:

Aquarium Permission Slip

The cost for this field trip is $3.00 for each child and $7.00 for parents who would like to join us as chaperones.  Please note: Please do not plan on bringing other siblings on this field trip.  Please look at this as an opportunity to spend time with your 3rd grader and a few of his/her friends.
Remember that you will be dropping your student off at 8:15 at the Roy Frontrunner station and picking them up at 3:45. THIS TIME IS NOT A MISTAKE!!! We know that this is past the time of a normal school day, but with our schedule for the day it is necessary.

May 17 & 19 Class Play
Every year we do a small musical.  This year our musical is called Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution  We will have a daytime and a nighttime performance to accommodate all parents.  The daytime performance will be on Tuesday, May 17 at 1:30 and the nighttime performance will on Thursday, May 19 at 5:00.  The program lasts approximately 30 minutes.  If your child CANNOT be to the nighttime performance, please e-mail me as soon as possible as that will affect our casting.  We will also be looking for help with props, costumes, choreography and scenery as we begin production.  If you are interested in helping, please e-mail me and I will add you to my list.

The parts for the play:
If you go to youtube and search Munchkin Mania: Conflict Resolution, you can find other classes that have done the play for costume ideas. Please DO NOT watch the entire play though; I like the parents and grandparents to be surprised by the story when they come see it. The students will all be memorizing their parts during class so no need to help with parts at home.
Thanks for your support in this!!
Zurii                          Garrett
Cherokee                  Keysha
Aleksander                Amya

Wicked Witch of the East:

Flying Monkeys:
Chance            Nathan
Katie                 Daxon



Wicked Witch of the West:

Good Witch of the North:



Tin Woodsman:



End of Year Testing
I really can’t believe I just said those 4 words!  Here’s our schedule, please take these times into consideration as you make appointments and plans:
April 26th 8:40 Writing Test (Please be on time)
April 28th 8:40 Writing Test (Please be on time)
May 10th: 12:30 Language Arts
May 12th: 12:30 Language Arts
May 17th: 10:30 Math
May 19th: 1:00 Math

May 27th Last Day of School

Boxtops and Labels

Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.

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