Monday: Library
Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: Parent Conferences, email me or sign up on Bloomz
STEM Class
Friday: Half Day (Out at 1:00) Feel free to dress in your costume (No Masks or weapons allowed) Halloween parade is at 9:00 am with our class party from 10:15 until 11:30
Prodigy at least 3 times for 15 minutes.
Read 20 minutes each night and turn in Sort and Reading Log or the electronically
I know life gets busy but please do not skip the reading. It is really the most important each night. Some ideas that I have used over the years is have an older child read to a younger child or read together as a family for 20 minutes and have everyone take turns reading.
Our class will be working on the ck, sh, and th endings. Please print off this sort: Sort 19 and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically with your reading minutes.
Monday-ABC Sort (Sort in the correct category, then put in ABC order within the category)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday-Glue Sort (Glue down in the correct category)