Upcoming Service Projects:
**We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December. Our class basket’s theme will be “Rainy Day Fun”. Ideas: all types of games, coloring books, puzzles, books, etc.
This basket should be catered towards the children. Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th!
**Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help some Refuges with school supplies. We are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper. Anything will help!
Monday: Library
Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: STEM Class
STEM tie dye shirts
Parent Conferences (Sign up on Bloomz)
Friday: $1 Dress Down and Early Out
Play Prodigy for 10 minutes at least 3 days
Read 20 minutes each night and turn in Sort and Reading Log or the electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/
Our class will be working on the mp, sk, nd, and nt endings. Please print off this sort: 1-22 and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ with your reading minutes.
Monday- Category Sort (sort by pattern)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday- Glue Sort