Field Trip!!

Dear Parents,
        We are currently planning a fun and adventurous fieldtrip that will take place Tuesday, December 6th. We have the opportunity to visit the Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake for the production Aesop’s Fables. The cost of this production is $5.00 per student for the production and a $1 to help offset the cost of the buses to get there. We are asking each student pay their $6.00 to the front office, and then give their receipt to their teacher.     
      This fieldtrip is our one and only bus field trip for the year. We will be boarding the buses immediately after roll call and will need every student at school ON TIME.   We will not be able to wait for late students.   Volunteer parents will need to drive themselves or carpool with other volunteer parents. We will first go to the Children’s Theatre and then have lunch on the State Capitol grounds. We will return to Quest Academy at 2:00. Pick up will be at normal time.

       School lunch will be available this day; but MUST be ordered by November 18th. Students will also need to bring their backpack on this day. Their backpack will serve as their storage place for their coat and lunch throughout the day. There is no need to bring any money. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather the day of the fieldtrip.
     If you would like to chaperone on this trip, you are more than welcome to join us. The cost of each adult is $5.00, and will need to be paid as we enter the theater. We are sharing the theatre with another school and need to let them know the exact number of parents we will have with us. If we do not have a written commitment from you, by November 18th, you will not be able to attend with us. Please indicate on the form below if you would like to go with us. Due to the nature of this trip and the need of adult supervision, PLEASE make other arrangements for ALL other brothers and sisters.

            Please return the bottom portion of this note and pay your $6.00 no later than Friday, November 18th; we will gladly take them before that.

Thank you,
The Third Grade Teachers
Field Trip Permission Form

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