I hope you all had a wonderful, long weekend!
I can’t believe that we are officially half way through the school year. I get a little sad thinking about how fast this school year is going by! I have loved seeing the growth that has been taking place and am excited to see what happens from now until the end of the year. We will be working hard to get them ready for 4th grade!
Monday: No School!
Thursday: STEM Class
Play Prodigy at least 3 days this week!
Read 20 minutes each night and turn in Sort and Reading Log or the electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/
Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes.
Please print off this sort: purple26 Sheet1and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ with your reading minutes.
Monday- Category Sort (sort by pattern)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday- Writing Sort (Write each word in the correct category)