Remember that for our Valentine’s Party, we are having our multiplication madness ice cream celebration and glyph activity. If you have not filled out the food permission slip, please do so. If your child is unable to eat ice cream, please let me know if there is something that can be brought in its place. We still need 2 volunteers to come help out about 1:30 on Tuesday. Please let me know ASAP if you can come. Also, our class is in charge of bring the maraschino cherries (4 jars) and bananas (20). Please let me know if you’d be willing to help out with bringing any of these items.
*We will be passing out Valentine’s Day cards on February 14th (before the Multiplication Madness Celebration). We have 25 students in our class. I prefer for the students not address the student’s names on the Valentine Cards. It takes double the time to pass them out if they are addressed to each individual student in our class. Please have your child just sign each of their cards. Remember not to send candy with your cards. You can bring anything else that is not edible. WE WILL NOT BE MAKING VALENTINE’S DAY BOXES OR BAGS TO HOLD CARDS. STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO BRING BOXES OR BAGS FROM HOME. I WILL HAVE PAPER SACKS TO GIVE THE STUDENTS THAT NEED SOMETHING.**
THANK YOU in advance. I really appreciate all of your support and help with our class this year. The students have really worked hard at their multiplication facts and are excited to have a celebration!