Last Week of School!

Important Dates

Wed       May 24th  Clean Out Desks (Please Bring Your Backpack)
Thurs    May 25th   Short Day
              Field Day 
              Wear your Blue Tie Dye Shirt
               EARLY OUT
Fri          May 26th  Short Day 
              Free Dress Down
              Last Day of 3rd Grade
              EARLY OUT

I just wanted to sincerely thank you for an amazing year! I love your kids so much and am sad to see them go. They are ready to be 4th graders though! Thank you for your kindness, help in the classroom, and support. It makes a huge difference when we have the love and support of parents. It’s been so fun to see the huge growth and milestones each student has made this year. I hope you have seen it as well.

There will not be homework this week, but please remember that nightly reading is not homework, it’s bonus time and something I hope you’ll do forever and ever!

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