Our Very Giving Class

I just want to express my appreciation for the food donations we’ve received. Our class talked about how we aren’t doing the food drive for money or for dress down but we are truly doing it to help others. I was so proud of them talking so kindly and generous about how a little bit could really help someone in need!

Upcoming Service Projects:  We have three opportunities to help others this holiday season.
**Can Drive-Bring in cans that will be donated to the local food bank (October 25-November 9th). 

**We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December.  Our class basket’s theme will be “Rainy Day Fun”.  Ideas: all types of games, coloring books, puzzles, books, etc.
This basket should be catered towards the children.  Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th! 

**Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help some Refuges with school supplies. We need are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper.  Anything will help!

Monday: Library

Tuesday: Happy Birthday to Penelope!
Music with Mrs. Viernew

Thursday: STEM Class

Play Prodigy for 10 minutes at least 3 days

Read 20 minutes each night and turn in  Sort and Reading Log or the electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/

Our class will be working on the ck, sh, and th endings. Please print off this sort: purplesort21 and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ with your reading minutes.

Monday- Category Sorty (sort by pattern)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday- ABC Sort (Sort in the correct category, then put in ABC order within the category)

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