Food Permission

We will be using licorice, M&M’s, Skittles, graham crackers, and Cheese Nips for some math activities within the next few weeks. Please fill out a food permission slip for your child to participate. If there any allergies, please let me know so I can find a substitute for a food item.


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Dressing Witches/Water Bottles Needed

This is going to be a fun and short week. I am very excited to have the students finish their bats tomorrow, start working on our next STEM project, and dress their apple witches on Wednesday. I do need a couple of parent volunteers that could come assist the students in dressing their witches on Wednesday morning at 9:00. Please let me know if you can help out with this.
Also, we need empty water bottles for the witches! If you have any, please send with your child before Wednesday.
Thanks again for having AMAZING children! We are having a wonderful year and I LOVE our class so much!

Apple Witches


Our witches are starting to get very old and wrinkly!  The students have taken dress patterns home with instructions.  If you have not seen these, please click on the link below.  All dresses should be returned to school by this Thursday.  I have a few parents who have volunteered to sew dresses for those who do not sew.   I do need a few volunteers who would be willing to make brooms and hair.  These need to be completed by the 14th and can be done at home.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Lloyd

Apple Witches