Scholastic Book Orders

I sent book order forms home with the students today. If you would like to order, please do so online at before September 25th. Our classroom code is NKFMG. I love Scholastic because the books are reasonably priced and you can easily find books on third grade level. Every book ordered helps our class earn new books so thank you in advance for your support in this. Feel free to contact me with questions. Also, if you are buying gifts, I can email you when they come so that I don’t ruin the surprise!
Thanks again,
Mrs. Lloyd

Apples This Friday!

Please send an apple (just one) with your student this THURSDAY so I can ensure everyone has an apple to make a witch out of. We WILL NOT be eating them!
I have down the following moms helping out on Friday morning at 8:30:
Desalyne Barber
Lilly Bailey
Jennifer Watts
Amy Cobia
Thank you for your help.

Feel free to contact me with any questions. I am excited for this project. Pictures will be posted!

Mrs. Lloyd

Homework Week of Sept. 8-11

Sort-and-Reading-Log  (Turn this in on Friday)

Word Sorts

Green Group: Group 1
Mason, Kayl, Amya, Allee, Aleksander, Katie, Chance, Marriner, Sienna, Korbin

Yellow Group: Group 2
Keysha, Cherokee, Cameron, Emily, Nathan, Daxon, Lana, Kiley

Orange Group: Group 3
Garrett, JD, Carson, Zurii, Brinlee

  • 20 minutes of reading
  • ABC Sort (sort words first, then put in ABC order within each category)
  • Math Review–  Chapter 1 Review  ODDS ONLY

  • 20 minutes of reading
  • WTW Sort by number of letters in each word (Sort words in one category with 4 letters, 5 letters, etc.)
  • Rounding Practice A-J Only
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • WTW Speed Sort (Time them to see how fast they can sort their words)
  • 2.1  EVENS ONLY
  • 2.1key
Turn in homework folder!

Homework For The Week Of Aug. 31-Sept. 4

Homework Announcements
Parents, I will be sending home a homework folder for your child to turn their homework in every week. Homework is due on Friday! Make sure to include the reading and sort log as well as the math homework for the week.
  • Each night, every student will be responsible for 20 minutes of reading, a math assignment, and a word sort on their specific sort group. For the next few weeks I will be assigning them a specific sort for each night. Eventually they can choose what sort they do each night but I want to teach them the different sorts over the next few weeks.
  • Each sort will be worth 10 points. The week’s reading log will also be worth 10 points.
  • Math will be directly tied to what was done in class that day. Most nights I will have PDF links of the math assignment and the key (for parents/guardians) on the homework blog post. Math homework is worth one point for every problem. 
    • Make sure to read the assignment on the blog because I rarely assign the whole page. It will usually be either odds, evens, or specific problems.
    • If you would rather not print out the assignment, students are welcome to write their work and answers on a piece of lined paper. It will only be accepted if it is neat and legible. 
Sort-and-Reading-Log  (Turn this in on Friday)

Word Sorts
Class Sort- The whole class will be doing this sort for the week~


  • 20 minutes of reading
  • WTW Speed Sort (Time them to see how fast they can sort their words)
  • Rounding Practice Do any 5 problems on the sheet
Friday– Turn in Homework Folder!

Volunteers Needed For FUN Witch Project!

 I really want to do a fun witch apple project to correlate with our writing. In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 11 (AM), bring an apple corer/slicer, and help with this project for an hour or so. I also would need a few parent volunteers to sew (at home) extra witch costumes. Please let me know by either commenting on this post or emailing me if you would be willing to help out with this project.

Thank you in advance!!
Mrs. Lloyd

Class News!

We have the BEST class! This week has been a joy getting to know your amazing kids. I know we are going to have a GREAT year!

Please sign up for remind 101 to receive text reminders if you haven’t already.
Also, if at all possible, get a deck of cards for your student and have them show you how to play Magic. (Cards are 2 for $1 at the dollar store) They will only use the Ace through 9 cards to play. It is a GREAT game to help your kids with their 10 facts.

Mrs. Lloyd