Welcome to our class blog! I am so excited to get ready for the new school year. I met some of you on the last day of school and am really looking forward to meeting the rest of you. Remember Back To School Night is Monday, August 17 starting at 5:30. Have a great last couple weeks of summer!

Tuesday Information

For Tuesday, I need each parent to sign the permission slip below so your child can participate in our pizza lunch from POQA. This lunch will be provided by Domino’s Pizza and is a reward for third grade turning in the most Box Tops this year.

Also, PLEASE have your child bring in their tie dye shirt on Tuesday because we will be wearing them throughout the week over their uniform shirt for various activities.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. It’s going to be a fun week!

Reminder of Events This Week

May is always a busy month and I can’t believe how fast time is flying by! Here is the list of important days and events going on each day.

Thursday, May 21: Students need to come in their costume to school and bring their uniforms to change into.
Play Performance 9 AM in the Q1 gym

Friday, May 22: Please have your student wear their tie dye shirt to the field trip! (I will send them home today) Arrive at the Roy FrontRunner Station NO LATER than 8:15 and pick up at 3:45. Remember your sack lunch!

Tuesday, May 26: We earned a pizza party for having the most Box Tops so there is no need to bring a lunch this day. PLEASE BRING YOUR TIE DYE SHIRT THIS DAY TO HAVE OUR CLASS SIGN IT.

Thursday, May 27: Field Day
Dress Down Day, wear sunscreen, wear a hat, AND bring a sack lunch. Please also wear YOUR TIE DYE SHIRT!!

Thanks again for everything you as parents have done to support our amazing class this year!