POQA is selling The Rush Funplex fun passes for $15 (a $23 value). These passes include 2 hours of unlimited activities (bowling, 3D mini golf, laser tag, go-karts, batting cages, the bounce kids zone, the aquatic center, and the Battle Blaster). Passes can be purchased at the Q1 front office Friday!
I can’t believe this is the last week of school. I know the kids are excited and ready for summer! I am going to miss each one of them. They have grown and learned so much this year. They have really worked hard and I’ve seen so much progress over the year. They are definitely ready to be fourth graders! Please have your child read over the summer, it makes a huge difference when they come back in August. Also, please have them practice their multiplication and division facts over the summer. They are welcome to play Prodigy, Front Row Ed, and Raz Kids over the summer. Their accounts will remain the same until school starts back up again. Feel free to take advantage of these programs for continued learning growth and opportunities.
Thursday, May 26th is an early out day at 1:00.
Field Day is on Friday, May 27th. This is our last day of school, FREE Dress Down Day and early out at 1:00. Please have your children wear their tie dyed shirts to school on Field Day. **Send a bag lunch with your child on this day. No school lunch will be provided.**
I want to thank those parents that have continually helped out in our classroom. It makes such a huge difference when we can have parents helping out with reading, putting portfolios together, doing spelling tests, painting backdrops, planning class parties, and helping with field trips. I really appreciate your time and effort into making our classroom a success.
Students in third grade are welcome to dress in their tie dye shirts tomorrow.
Hip Hip Hooray!! Third Grade won again for the Box Top contest! We will have a free dress down day this Friday to celebrate!!
We will be celebrating summer birthdays this week. Each day we will have a different child to celebrate so they can be the President for the day! Please let me know if there is a specific day that you would like us to celebrate your child. Also, you are more than welcome to pass out a prize to the class if you want to. Please just make sure you don’t send any food or drink.
This is our last week of homework! I can’t believe that our year is almost over. I love our class and am sad how quick our time together is going.
Dress rehearsal for our play. Please have your students wear their costume and bring a uniform to change into.
Sage Math Testing 10:00-11:00
Play Performance at 2:00 (Parents can come as early as 1:30)
Sage Math Testing 1:00-2:00
Play Performance 5 PM
Have your students in the Q1 gym by 4:45.
We will be doing some practice and assessments on third grade sight words this week so there will be NO WORD SORTS.
Please remember to read for 20 minutes each night!
Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below:
Math Homework:
Play Prodigy at least 3 days this week for at least 15 minutes
Our AMAZING Librarian has gone through the trouble to register all of our students for the Scholastic summer reading program. Here is the information she has provided me that I am passing on to you. The students will each have a user name & password (pictured below) that they will need to use when they login for the first time. Please let them know that once they have logged in you can change the password as some of them are pretty long.
The challenge is for all the schools nationwide to compete for logging the most minutes read during the summer, which actually starts on Monday, May 9th. If our school logs the most minutes, we will get to be featured in the 2017 Scholastic World Record Book, which I think would be VERY cool.
http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2016Student Sign-Up Instruct(1)171440_ssrc_booklist_all_ages(1)
Aleksander | L | glamoroustree26 | zesty577 |
Amya | M | ivorysky42 | butterfly650 |
Bennett | C | brilliantstudy15 | galaxy533 |
Brinlee | B | flyingambassador18 | diplomat475 |
Cameron | K | heatwavesummer21 | spirited857 |
Carson | B | hintpants7 | lynx193 |
Chance | S | artisticdolphin183 | decoding55 |
Cherokee | H | pearapartment5 | topaz733 |
Christian | M | rattlesnakebanana39 | underground813 |
Cole | D | magentalanding17 | fur324 |
Daxon | Z | diplomatfingers3 | foot207 |
Emily | P | hailsewing27 | super341 |
Jeffrey | W | pigletjaw23 | chatty916 |
Joshua | C | coloringwinter23 | festive45 |
Joshua | J | jadestranger19 | glad258 |
Katherine | S | dragonvolcano225 | vanilla916 |
Kayl | B | ketchupswimming15 | maze623 |
Keysha | W | wolfcaring58 | dreamer409 |
Lana | L | treehousechicken60 | maroon545 |
Marriner | R | livelyfan24 | epic684 |
Mason | W | lynxcrest59 | eggs380 |
Nathan | C | coachcastle23 | book627 |
Sienna | B | peanutskater8 | mustard306 |
Zurii | L | icecatching44 | lime124 |