Canned Food Drive

The National Junior Honor Society is having a “Souper” bowl canned food drive. Their goal to collect at least 250 canned food items before Tuesday, February 9th, will result in the administration doing something WACKY. Please see the attached flier for items they are looking for. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Ingersoll Thank you for your support!!!

Homework Feb. 8-11

Remember to READ at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes!
It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home. Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they will be given participation points for discussing what they’ve read the night before. Thanks!
Razkids login: nlloyd2
Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below:

Word Sort Groups

Red Group:  yellow sort 40
Cherokee, Emily, Nathan, Garrett, Kayl, Daxon, Aleksander, Katie, Lana

Orange Group: yellow sort 29
Keysha, Marriner, Christian, Chance, Sienna

Green Group: yellow sort 17
Amya, Mason

Yellow Group: yellow sort 48
JD, Zurii, Cameron, Carson, Brinlee

Sorts – Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home: (1 sort each night)

1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories. (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Speed Sort- Time your child 3 times to see how fast they can sort their words.
8. Glue sort- Have your child glue the sort on a piece of paper.
9. Syllable Sort- Sort the words according to how many syllables they have.

Monday   fractions number line 1
Tuesday   Prodigy for 10 minutes
Wednesday  fractions number line 2
Thursday    Prodigy for 10 minutes

Multiplication Madness Ice Cream Party/Valentine’s Day

We will be having our Multiplication Madness Party on Friday, February 12. Our class is in charge of bringing strawberry ice cream and spray can whipped topping. Please let me know if you are able and willing to donate. We will need at least 4 gallons of strawberry and 7 whipped toppings.

Next Friday, we will also be celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. We will not be making boxes for their Valentine’s during school but each student is more than welcome to make one at home and bring it in. I will have paper bags for each child to decorate if they don’t bring a Valentine’s box from home. The students are welcome to bring Valentine’s cards to pass out. However, there should be NO food items with the card. You may bring pencils, erasers, or any other NON-PERISHABLE items with the Valentine cards if you wish but of course this is not required.


Here is a list of our class:



Please Read! Important reminders for Thursday

WE are super excited about heading to the Children’s Theatre and State Capitol Building Thursday (Feb. 4th)!!  It’s going to be a very exciting day!

Here are a few reminders:
-Please be at school no later than 8:20 AM on Thursday.  Our bus will be leaving promptly at 8:25 AM.  We must leave on time to get to the theatre on time.
-Students need to bring a backpack.  In their backpack they need: a lunch, a water bottle, and a jacket.  Students are also allowed to bring a book or a game to keep them occupied during the bus ride.
-Students need to wear uniforms and name badges on field trip as well.

Parents that are attending:
-Remember there is no room on the bus for parents.  Sorry, we have lots of third graders.  Parents need to drive separately and can carpool  ride together down there.  The address of the Children’s Theatre is 3605 South State Street, SLC.  
-Parents need to get down to the theatre before the bus does, so you can pay your $5.00 admission at the door.  They won’t seat us until all parents have paid.
-No smaller siblings can come with us on the field trip.  
-Please bring your lunch


Library will be on WEDNESDAY this week due to our field trip on Thursday.

Please sign the food permission slip I put on the blog so that your child can participate in our inference Super Bowl party this Friday.

We need donations for third grade basket. The basket will be sold at the Quest Gala for STEM money. The third grade is doing a sports theme so we are asking you to bring in your Utes, Aggies, BYU, and Weber State items to put in the basket. A special thanks to Lana’s mom, Julie, as she will put together the baskets for us.

Thanks for your support, we have a great class!

Feb. 1-5 Homework

Remember to READ at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes!
It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home. Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they will be given participation points for discussing what they’ve read the night before. Thanks!
Razkids login: nlloyd2
Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below:

Word Sort Groups

Red Group:  yellow sort 39
Cherokee, Emily, Nathan, Garrett, Kayl, Daxon, Aleksander, Katie, Lana

Orange Group: yellow sort 28
Keysha, Marriner, Christian, Chance, Sienna

Green Group: yellow sort 16
Amya, Mason

Yellow Group: yellow sort 46
JD, Zurii, Cameron, Carson, Brinlee

Sorts – Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home: (1 sort each night)

1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories. (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Speed Sort- Time your child 3 times to see how fast they can sort their words.
8. Glue sort- Have your child glue the sort on a piece of paper.
9. Syllable Sort- Sort the words according to how many syllables they have.


Monday –
Colorful Fractions

Tuesday – Fraction Practice

Wednesday – Prodigy

Thursday – Parts of a Whole