We have parent conferences this Thursday from 3:30 until 5:30. If you would like to meet with me, feel free to contact me and we can make an appointment. Otherwise, I will continue down the list until we get everyone in. Thanks!
Class News! I am very excited for this week as we have a lot of fun learning taking place! We will be continuing our Stellaluna unit which is my favorite reading unit of the whole year. We also will start our candy corn writing by reading some interesting facts about candy corn. Amazingly, candy corn has an interesting history. We will be introducing and practicing perimeter as well.
Reminder that Friday is a free dress down day. Feel free to dress up in a costume (No blood or gore or weapons of any kind). We will be having a school wide parade at 9:00 with our class party following at 10:00.
HOMEWORK There will NOT be sort homework this week as we will be doing a review with all sort groups.
Remember to READ at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes! It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home. Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas. We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before. Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they will be given participation points for discussing what they’ve read the night before. Thanks! Razkids login: nlloyd2 Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below: http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ OR Sort-and-Reading-Log
MATH Work on 15 minutes of Prodigy each night (Monday-Thursday)
We will be having our Halloween party Friday, Oct. 30 at 10:00. Some wonderful parents have put together a great party. We will be having sugar cookies with frosting and candy as well as different types of candy bars. There will not be any candy bars with nuts in them. Please let me know if there is a problem with your child eating any of the treats. Thank You!
Parents, The POQA is doing a door contest next week for decorated doors. The them is being positive in correlation with our positive me week. I remember a couple of you telling me at Back To School Night that you love to decorate bulletin boards and doors but I can’t remember who. Will you let me know if you would like to do it? I have a really cute Minion idea that would be easy or you can do whatever you would like. Thanks!!
Parents, I had a few parents sign up to help out with our Halloween Party on Friday, October 30. Would anyone be willing to be in charge of it? I have some ideas on making it easy and fun. Last year we just decorated cookies and did a couple of easy crafts. It’ll be from 9:50-11:30 that morning.
Remember to READ at least 5 times a week for 20 minutes! It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home. Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas. We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before. Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they will be given participation points for discussing what they’ve read the night before. Thanks! Razkids login: nlloyd2 Turn in reading minutes by clicking on the link below: http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ OR Sort-and-Reading-Log Word Sort Groups
Green Group: Green Group Mason, Kayl, Amya, Allee, Aleksander, Katie, Chance, Marriner, Sienna
Yellow Group: Yellow Group Keysha, Cherokee, Cameron, Emily, Nathan, Daxon, Lana
Orange Group: Orange Group Garrett, JD, Carson, Zurii, Brinlee
Sorts – Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home: (1 sort each night)
1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night and have your child explain the rule to you. The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week. 2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories. (You may only choose this sort to do once a week) 3. Write the words 3x each. 4. Write the words in ABC order 5. Give your child a practice spelling test. 6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin. The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word. Continue until your child has spelled the word. If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over. 7. Speed Sort- Time your child 3 times to see how fast they can sort their words. 8. Glue sort- Have your child glue the sort on a piece of paper. 9. Syllable Sort- Sort the words according to how many syllables they have.
Math – Play Prodigy 3 times this week for at least 15 minutes.
Remember there is NO SCHOOL this Friday so homework needs to be turned in on Thursday.
The apple witches turned out fantastic! Thanks to Mr. Kane, Mrs. Cobia, Mrs. Watts, and our own Ms. Gaylynn for helping put them together! Also, thank you Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Stuart, and Mrs. Jaques for sewing the extras for us.